Justin Trudeau is killing Canada’s liberal dream

Source: Difficult-Yam-1347


  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “Moffatt, a housing economist, says a “wartime effort” is needed to triple the current building rate and throw up 5.8m houses in the next ten years. No such luck. In August, Canadian housing starts dropped to an annualised rate of 217,000.

    Demand for housing from the large number of immigrants during Mr Trudeau’s decade in power has worsened the crunch. The number of temporary foreign workers jumped from 109,000 in 2018 to just under 240,000 in 2023. The number of non-permanent residents—including temporary foreign workers, students and asylum-seekers—has more than doubled from 1.3m in 2021 to over 3m on July 1st, according to Statistics Canada, representing 7.3% of Canada’s total population of 41m.

    The education and health-care systems have also felt the pinch. Universities are bursting with foreign students, often lured by unscrupulous overseas middlemen offering “sham” degrees, according to Mr Trudeau’s immigration minister, Marc Miller. There were 560,000 student visas handed out in Canada last year. Mr Miller is cutting that number to 364,000. “It’s a bit of a mess, and it’s time to rein it in,” he said earlier this year. Some elementary-school teachers flounder, as they grapple with the children of recent arrivals who often speak neither of Canada’s official languages, English and French.

    The pain of high housing costs has been compounded by a mediocre economy. Canada suffers from laggardly productivity growth, which has weighed on wages. Investment has been strong in oil- and gas-fields, and in extractive industries more generally, but has been overshadowed by other parts of the economy. Investment in tech, r&d and education taken together as a share of investment is lower in Canada than anywhere else in the g7 club of rich countries.”

    More: https://archive.ph/zo3IP

  2. >“It is a time of massive anxiety.” Justin Trudeau was talking about Canadians’ [economic outlook](https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/09/30/why-is-canadas-economy-falling-behind-americas), pitching the durability of his liberal project to a gathering of global progressives in Montreal last month. “People notice the hike in their mortgages much more than they notice the savings in their child care,” he offered, perhaps implying that in doing so people failed to appreciate all he did for them.

    Maybe give us back our taxes so we can decide for ourselves what’s best for our families, child care or not.

  3. Of course productivity is down in all sectors. What incentive do businesses have to improve and innovate when they can just hire foreign workers who often pay these same businesses for the privilege of working in this country, usually for minimum wage.

  4. The_Pickled_Mick on

    He doesn’t give a shit about what’s best for Canadians. All he cares about is his ideology and lining the pockets of his buddies.

  5. Character_Net_6089 on

    Clearly this delusional Narcissist thinks he’s done something for average people that they didn’t have before he came to power. Seems all he’s managed is to enrich his “friends” and tax the living daylights out of the rest of us. Doesn’t matter what the problem is, it’s always solved by more taxation and/or debt that our kids kids won’t quite manage to pay off. Time he was a part time drama teacher again, mind you he’s now acquired so much money that likely won’t happen, so l guess we’ve got that to be thankful for. I’m personally sick and tired of his smug, earnest, self satisfied, do what I say not what I do face. Time he was gone!

  6. Sufficient-Egg2082 on

    That’s because we are living in the liberal dream. Neo liberal policy is what led to this and people think it’s gonna lead them out?

  7. Oh well … they can all crumble and cry the losers that they have become and ARE … the time is up and they know it ! NEXT !

  8. Fancy-Ambassador6160 on

    Well he’s killed Canada for the rest of us, so I am glad to hear liberals are miserable too

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