Canada and India expel each other’s diplomats in escalating dispute over an assassination

Source: CreekHollow


  1. India had said earlier it was withdrawing its diplomats, but the Canadian official says India’s announcement came after Canada had declared high commissioner Sanjay Kumar Verma and five other diplomats persona non grata.

    You can’t fire me! I quit!

  2. SubstantialAction0 on

    Canada is a vassal state or a lapdog of the US. Nothing happens without US approval.

  3. India is not Canada’s ally and we are foolish to think they have anything but their own interests at heart. Which is fine, that does not make them inherently bad, however we do need to safeguard our country from mass immigration from only a few countries and adopt a system similar to the Americans with caps on how many per country so we don’t have to live in fear of other countries pushing their political agenda in our country

    Wake up people.

  4. This coming after Canada just concluded that India engaged in a massive criminal enterprise involving homicide and extortion of its citizens. Good riddance. India is no friend to Canada, and until Modi is gone there will be no healing this rift.

  5. Dangerous_Cobbler_87 on

    Trudeau has no evidence to support his claim. It’s a clear political move to gain Sikh support. Canada continues to allow extremist groups to flourish and this is just another example.

  6. Physical_Street7021 on

    Guys, it was Russia. The world fighting apart itself after Russia got sanctioned to death?

    Just a guess. But it’s wild to see India and Canada fighting… I don’t like it 🙁

  7. Here comes the Modi bro’s to defend India no matter what!

    The playbook:

    Step 1: Call anyone critical of India a racist
    Step 2: repeat step 1

  8. Can the rest of you feel the globalization pendulum swinging in the other direction yet? As a relatively disinterested third party to most international rows over assassinations, immigration, and general squabbling, is fascinating to watch everyone retreat back into the ethno-centric holes we all crawled out of. We gotta all be in our own foxholes or all in the same foxhole. This middle bit is a sticky mess of a coordination problem and competing efforts at power.

    China, can you please do something so we can all agree that we’re at least in the “not China” foxhole together?

  9. that-asian-baka on

    This is so fucking dumb tbh. Clever people learn from others’ mistakes, and dumb people learn from their mistakes. The US backed the wrong country and people a while ago and is now unable to turn India into a reliable partner. I guess Canada also needs to learn. Trudeau wants to win an election, so he is doing all this to gain the Radical Sikh Vote bank. He is literally trying to appease terrorists.

    The face of this whole khalistan movement is Patwant Singh Pannun, who openly posts videos on the internet about hijacking Air India flights and killing diplomats. Yet Trudeau’s government protects these terrorists under the banner of Freedom of Speech and expression.

    Go ahead Trudeau, shit the bed even harder. Crocodile festival is coming for you soon haha.

  10. ForsakenRhubarbPie on

    India is showing themself to be an enemy of the rule of law and democracy.

    They are not an ally to the west and should not be treated as such.

  11. themystifyingsun on

    First, Canada imports immigrants with illegal backgrounds from India and legalize their asylum/permanent resident status. In return, you ask for their votes so you can run the country.

    These immigrants with illegal backgrounds then come to settle and then make a mess, vandalize, and become violent against Canadians and other Indian (legal) immigrants who come to study and live a normal life.

    When the Indian government requests the Canadian government to expedite the return of these illegal immigrants for due prosecution, they refuse.

    Then, Trudeau makes baseless accusations without providing evidence on time to play votebank politics on another country, violating its autonomy.

    The NDP then pulls away from Trudeau, so all of his efforts in creating a hostile relationship with India go to vain.

    As a last resort, Trudeau decides to hit the final nail in the coffin and terminate diplomatic relations with another democracy.

    Canada will host the G7 next year, so let’s see what the US does to bring India back to prevent the BRICS and SCO getting more leverage.

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