Passengers could win compensation after Northern Rail broke own fare evasion rules

Source: ParkedUpWithCoffee


  1. > The announcement comes after The Telegraph discovered **Northern appeared to be breaking a rule whereby passengers with a railcard travelling on the wrong train must be offered the chance to pay back the difference on the spot**.

    Oops. Time to buy some popcorn while watching the fallout from this.

  2. Electricbell20 on

    I wonder how much public money is being wasted each year on courts plus the delays caused for real cases?

    We had the post office scandal. This could easily turn into another depending on how long it has gone for and what’s impact it has had on people.

    I’m pretty certain council’s use of courts is a can of worms just waiting to be opened. My partner originally is from an eastern block country and he gets messages quite often from people in the local diaspora being threatened with fines for council tax.

    One was paying council tax in their current house, both names on the bill. A friend of theres moved into a house they previously lived and noticed letters for them on the side. Turns out the council had gone to court for them not paying and it was a summons. They had notified the council about the move. The people who originally moved in after them didn’t pay and the landlord sent the wrong information. Luckily it caught in time.

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