Trump Insists He’s Not ‘Cognitively Impaired’ In Jumbled Rally Tangent

Source: Quirkie


  1. thepartypantser on

    Trump can run from his lies, he can run from his failed businesses, he can run from his legal woes, but he cannot run from his genes.

    He is sliding into dementia. His father had it, and it became evident in his late ’70s. Fred Trump was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in his early ’80s.

    Having worked with dementia patients, and having seen multiple members of my own family go through it, I don’t wish it upon my worst enemy. But it’s starting to become blatantly obvious that he’s slipping. Whether it’s Alzheimer’s, or cognitive decline due to vascular issues, it doesn’t really matter. Donald Trump is in no shape to be president.

    I strongly suspect within 4 years he will be diagnosed with some form of dementia.

  2. >“But if they see any, they watch for weeks and weeks, for weeks and weeks. I’m up here, ranting and raving. Last night, 100,000 people. Flawless. Ranting and raving. I’m ranting and raving. Not a mistake.”

    The phrase “ranting and raving” does not have a positive connotation; it is associated with angry lunatics.

    So..self-aware I guess?

  3. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    Trump said that Biden was“obviously cognitively repaired.” Wow! Trump flexes and a self owns in one sentence. I didn’t even know that was possible.

  4. Intelligent_Teach247 on

    He isn’t wrong, relatively speaking because apparently he can convince people who are even more cognitively impaired at alarming rate.

  5. At the risk of suggesting a false dichotomy, the only other explanation is that he’s weird.

  6. ITeechYoKidsArt on

    I think we really need to start asking the wingnuts if they actually want a Vance presidency. It’s pretty obvious that’s where it’s headed if they manage to get him elected.

  7. Trump is the only president in my lifetime, that I have heard bragging about passing a cognitive test.

  8. Happy-go-lucky-37 on

    He’s cooked. They hope to shove him in the door, then 25 the fuck out of him and make JD the First Fuhrer of the USA.

  9. If he’s not cognitively impaired, release your medical records. But of course he won’t.

    The media should be asking three things every time: 1. Why won’t you release your medical records if you claim to be healthy
    2. Explain how tariffs work and how they are not paid by the importer and passed on to the consumer?
    3. Release your tax returns. If you are so savvy, what are you hiding?

    This would happen if this were 10 or so years ago when the media had integrity and so did candidates running for office, but the reality is we the people need to vote Blue down ballot!

  10. Squirrel_Chucks on

    >“So I speak for hours, mostly without a teleprompter, really, mostly.

    We have all been held verbally hostage by a narcissist at some point in our lives.

    I don’t know about you, but I have never found those people’s ability to talk about themselves endlessly to be impressive.

    I never thought “wow the stamina this guy has!”

    Trump speaks for hours because he’s talking about himself to a crowd of cultists.

    Attention and adoration is oxygen and catnip to a malignant narcissist.

    How is that impressive?

    What WOULD be impressive is if he shut the fuck up sometimes and made it about someone other than himself.

  11. Nothing says “I’m not cognitively impaired!” like a cognitively impaired rant about cognitive impairment.

    How is this jackass even still a thing?

  12. You know what’s really funny about cognitive impairments…. The impaired people don’t often know…

  13. OldBrokeGrouch on

    It turns out that people who are cognitively impaired often are in denial and go on about how they’re not. You know who doesn’t go on about how cognitively impaired they aren’t? People who aren’t cognitively impaired.

  14. “He added that President Joe Biden was “obviously cognitively repaired,” apparently mixing up “repaired” with “impaired.”’

    The emperor isn’t even pretending to wear clothes anymore, is he?

  15. captaincanada84 on

    “I’m not cognitively impaired” says the man who is clearly cognitively impaired.

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