Public service union calls for investigation into return-to-office mandate | CBC News

Source: blindbrolly


  1. And they wonder why those of us who have REAL jobs in the private sector see these lazy pencil-pushing unionized public sector bureaucrats as lazy & entitled.

  2. This is simply a corruption story funneling huge amounts of Canadian Tax dollars to private players. The Feds have 28million sq meters of real estate. 7 million controlled by pspc (50/50 owned vs leased). It costs 2.2 billion per year to maintain that property. these are large dollar figures. 20.07 time source

    The decision was made with no internal review as per ATIPs by the union

    The Canadian Chamber of Commerce who literally lobbied the government to get Canadian taxpayers to subsidize their businesses. 30 days later it happened

    The US has a fifth of their workers working remote and guess which country is way more productive? We even have an NDP mayor going around to private businesses to try and convince them to be less productive and go back to the office. Another backwards move by Canada which will result in losing the best employees, increasing cost and reducing productivity. all to subsidize real estate as per usual.

    Not to mention the 50,000 housing units that could have been developed using federal government buildings. Instead their building whole new ones that are entirely unneeded. Pulling contractors that are already in short supply away from building homes in a housing crisis.

    The facts are this had the ability to massively reduce costs, reduce carbon emissions, increase talent pools reduce traffic etc. However the government chose to subsidize commercial real estate investors instead. That not to mention the provinces having to shell out more taxpayer money to deal with the increased traffic already being talked about

    It’s unfortunate the state of journalism today in Canada. Political corruption center stage and it goes completely ignored.

    The unions never asked for 100% remote for everyone. They simply asked for in office with purpose. Which is the most cost effective for all parties. That being completely rejected makes it pretty clear the government isn’t working for Canadians. They are working for the lobbyists.

  3. Idk why people are so obsessed to see office workers go into an office. These people do realize they’re behind a computer 8 hours a day in an office. It’s a waste to keep these buildings.

  4. atticusfinch1973 on

    Do these people really think that Parliament cares? Or are going to form a committee, do an investigation (which costs how many tax dollars), and then suddenly say “our suggestion is to let people work from home” – which nobody has to follow anyway?

    It’s such a stupid waste of time and money.

  5. Wander over to the Canadian public service sub and see the entitlement 

    It’s a wonder the rest of the working population doesn’t support you.  /S

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