Geoffrey Cox missed winter fuel votes while working abroad in second job

Source: Codydoc4


  1. >This cheap and silly attack shows the Lib Dems are no longer a serious party.

    Says the party that bleed seats to them not three months ago.

  2. Up in arms about the decision but more focused on putting cash into his own back pocket than bothering turning up to represent his constituents…. and some wonder why the Tories got hammered at the last election.

  3. It’s kinda odd to me that MPs can have a second job that can interfere with their job as an MP.

  4. You’d be fired from any other “job”. I guess the difference is, in any other job, you have work that needs doing.

    *”Geof, We have a very important meeting today where we will vote on that issue we spoke about, you can finally have your say there”*

    *”Ahh, sorry boss, I can’t, I’ve got a gig with another job so I won’t be in this week, flying out to Africa instead, I might be back Monday”*

    *”You what?!”*

    *”Oh, before you go, I won’t be in the week after either, got another case, it doesn’t matter though right? It’ not like I actually have to do anything back here”*

    *”True, true”*

  5. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    This is a weird one…as he makes no secret of the fact he’s got a higher paid job that means he’s never there…yet still they vote for him. I mean I don’t think MPs should have a second job and they should ONLY represent us, but when a guy stands repeatedly and has a long history of just not being there for anything, surely they were warned

  6. locklochlackluck on

    Still find it hard to care, MPs are representatives, they don’t *have* to attend all votes. Especially ones that the government is guaranteed to win.

    It was three days.

    For an elite lawyer to continue some private practice (the same is afforded to doctors) I think is permissable, but maybe there should be a guideline to how many days they can second onto their other jobs per year.

  7. duncanmarshall on

    I don’t think MPs and their senior staff should have any other source of income than their state salary.

    People always cite that one MP who is also still a nurse, saying that the experience helps her be a better MP. Cool, so she can keep doing that then. Just for no money. I mean it’s about the experience, right?

    No second jobs. No investment. Do you want to be comfortably off working for the public, or do you want to be rich in the private sector? It’s a great choice to have. Make it.

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