Amazon executive wears ‘Palestine, from the river to the sea’ necklace

Source: megameshure


  1. How is That not call for genoside? I am not from Middle east, and I might not possess knowledge of there cultural finesse, but as much as I can see that entire region is insane. Supporting anyone there is just as much insane. Only reasonable thing would be prevent anyone else there develop nuclear weapons. Because entire region will end up as crater.

  2. Someone needs to ask @JeffBezos on X, whether “From the River to the Sea” is an appropriate work attire?

    Especially since one of their own employees is being held hostage.

  3. So much for a two state solution. The Palestinians never agreed to peace. Their objective has always been “no jews anywhere” even at the expense of their own children dying.

    Listen to Einat Wilf stuff.

  4. If power dynamics were reversed between Palestine and Israel, they would have eradicated entire Jewish population in the area over a weekend without a second thought. They just love to play the victim

  5. KissMySuperHairyAss on

    I’ll be asking for a refund on Amazon Prime and if they don’t honor the request I’m going to have the card issuer do a chargeback.

    It’s so, so easy to not call for the eradication of most Jewish people on Earth. I do it every day without even trying. If this incredibly low bar is too high for this depraved racist ghoul, she needs to go or my business goes.

    I suspect it’ll be her to go. Extreme racism toward Jews just isn’t a good business model in the US. Any Jew could tell you that.

  6. These people likely don’t even understand what it means and just go along with the popular things for fame points.

  7. Is it just me, or does the necklace on the left look different to the one she is wearing?

  8. Wearing anything political at a work event can land anyone in serious trouble. The falling out will be interesting and it may cost her employment.

  9. She is either violently antisemitic, or she has no idea what she’s wearing. If I was to guess, the latter is likely the case – she picks a trending icon without really thinking much about it. Last month she probably did wear an lgbt or black pride sign, next month it will be something Christmas-related.

    Does it make it less disturbing? Absolutely not, at her level stupidity is as dangerous as hate.

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