UN says no food has entered northern Gaza since start of October, putting 1 million people at risk of starvation

Source: nsfwboys


  1. Silly-Scene6524 on

    Like an old time siege and just like those the main innocent population suffers the most.

  2. >No food has entered northern Gaza since the start of October, putting 1 million people at risk of going hungry, the World Food Programme told CNN on Friday.

    > No food trucks have entered northern Gaza in October, the WFP told CNN.

    The data published by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says 45 truckloads of food entered northern Gaza in October, and attributes them to the World Food Program.


    The data shows 25 truckloads of food aid entered northern Gaza directly via the Erez West crossing on October 1st and another 20 truckloads of food aid entered via the Route 96 crossing between Oct 8th and 10th.

    An additional 169 truckloads of food aid have entered south Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing in October.


    Also seems worth mentioning the 36 truckloads of food via Erez West and 20 via Route 96 on Sept 30th.

  3. justbrowsington on

    Yet I’m sure Hamas is eating plenty well, given how they have stockpiles of weapons/diesel/food as well all the stolen aid that was supposed to get to civilians.

  4. Weird-Tooth6437 on

    One of the most (intentially?) Misleading headlines and articles imaginable.

    Israel has said all Gazan civillians must leave northern Gaza (Gaza city and a couple of satellite towns) and has opened a humanatarian corridor to get out. 

    This is because Israel is launching a major operation in northern Gaza (rumours theres info on hostages there, but its speculation for now) and wants it free of civillians, because things are probably going to get spicy.

    Most Gazan civillians refused to leave, at the request of HAMAS, so Israel said ‘fine – but all food only gets delivered to the south’.

    Gazans are in about as much danger of starvation as I am when I get hungry and am too lazy to get up and cook despite an (over)full fridge.

     Theres an enourmous amount of food a short walk away that they are actively refusing to go to it (5km/3 miles or so).

    Before anyone asks, sieges (not allowing food in specifically) are not prohibted by Geneva convention, but civillians must be allowed to leave.

    I’m not sure what the rules are when civillians actively refuse to leave – I imagine it didnt occur to anyone at the time.

    TLDR: No one is going to starve, as soon as people get hungry they’ll just leave to get the available food. But first they’ll milk it for all the PR value they can.

  5. I don’t believe anything the UN says. It is an organization controlled by the world’s tyrannical regimes who have a majority in the General Assembly. The UN represents their interests. The UN is not a credible source of information.

  6. pessimistoptimist on

    Yeah very little food has reached the civilians in Gaza, the rest got high jacked by the terrorists.

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