Entrance shaft to a Hezbollah tunnel feet away from a UN peacekeeper outpost in Southern Lebanon.

Source: Metallica1175


  1. Zero percent chance they don’t know that’s there.

    The UN is intentionally putting themselves in the line of fire just to obstruct the IDF.

  2. TelevisionSome4184 on

    This un army shouldn’t attack hezbollah when they see them around? I mean is it not supposed to be a no man’s land?

  3. Quick translation: “So this is what it looks like- Hezbollah underground shaft. The ladder leads to hospitality rooms, underground bunker with large amounts of firearms. And looks what we got just a few meters away- a UNIFIL position. and an entire UNIFIL base. All of this less than 100m from this position, all this place who is ruined and dug completely, was a Hezbollah fortress full of firearms.”

  4. IWorkForScoopsAhoy on

    On Liveua map Lebanon you could see that were an Israeli tank was ambushed was like 1 block away from the UN outposts. My first thought is that they either watched and documented the ambush or are doing nothing there at all. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised either way if it was accidental targeting with this proximity or if Israeli soldiers were acting out at UN observers indifferently watch them go into an ambush without warning them. Stooping to targeting the UN shouldn’t be encouraged but you understand they shouldn’t be there now. Specifically there as in what we see in this video. That’s insane and counter productive. The worst case scenario is they are actively collaborating.

  5. Lumpy_Argument_1867 on

    UN sole mandate was to ensure Hezbollah remained north of the Litani River. They completely failed their sole job.

    They should pack up and go home.

  6. What is it that is trying to be implied here? Should UN peacekeepers shoot people digging a hole in their own country?

  7. I’m guessing there isn’t really anywhere in this area that isn’t very far from one of these tunnels.

  8. You mean to tell me the U.N. didn’t do anything when they had a straight line of sight of a tunnel entrance used by a terrorist organization to murder and attack innocent civilians? That’s so unlike them to allow such an atrocity to happen.

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