Thousands of North Korean Soldiers May Deploy to Ukraine by Year-End After Training in russia

Source: SprintsAC


  1. SuccessfulWerewolf55 on

    If Putin enlists North Koreans to fight alongside his legion of war criminals, then it’s fair game for Ukraine to enlist NATO to fight them

  2. It`s is funny because Russia calls people who entlist in the ukrainian army NATO-mercenaries.

    Rule for thee an not for me

  3. Russia training NK on combat and war, just sums up how far Russia has fallen. You scrape the barrel and you get Kim and his forces who are even less prepared than Russian soldiers. Russia is a joke and NK is the shit on my shoe!

  4. Whydoyouwannaknowbro on

    I wonder how many of them will run off to Ukraine to eat their first real meal.

  5. DisasterNo1740 on

    I think the article which claims a possibility is that these soldiers would serve in border regions in Russia is the far more likely outcome than one where we see North Koreans storming Ukrainian positions. Those and then also logistics type roles. It’s quite an interesting situation and I wonder how South Korea would respond. Ukraine and Russia could literally become a full on proxy conflict for the two.

  6. Jaded-Influence6184 on

    How is this not Russia making this into a world war? Ukraine has foreign *volunteers*, all of which are not sent at the request of their foreign nations. In fact, many of those countries try to dissuade them from going. In this case though, it is the actual foreign government (North Korea) who is sending soldiers to join in the war against Ukraine.

  7. Keepin-It-Positive on

    Russia appears somewhat desperate and weak. Partnering with North Korea and Iran. This entire situation is ridiculous. The premise at the start, of “De-Nazifying” Ukraine, and “it’s not a war, it’s a special military operation” was half baked and absurd. Russia appearing stubborn and stupid, is still doubling down on their lies and actions. Today, I can’t say exactly how various countries are still supporting Ukraine. For in North America this war has been pretty-well ghosted by the media. Rarely do I read any updates in North America media any more. Ukraine should still be supported by free countries around the world. I truly hope support has not weaned. Russian aggression and destabilization must be stopped.

  8. Patient-Shirt9669 on

    I wonder how Russian civilians feel about their country training North Koreans? Surely they must feel like the baddies at this point, right?

  9. I think this was negotiated when Putin went to meet Kim and gave him that car. I believe that NK will start with selling their prisoners to use for Russia’s meat grinder.

  10. Similar_Locksmith387 on

    I’ve seen a few reports/articles this week suggesting that North Koreans are already dying in Ukraine so yeah this makes sense

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