Trump Wants the Military to Target Americans Who Oppose Him

Source: rollingstone


  1. ***From Rolling Stone’s Peter Wade:***

    *The former president said he thinks U.S. troops should be deployed “if necessary” against “radical left lunatics” on election day.*

    Donald Trump proposed deploying military forces against U.S. citizens who oppose him on election day.

    “I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within,” the former president told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo when she asked if he expects “chaos on election day” from immigrants. “We have some very bad people, some sick people, radical left lunatics…. And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.”

    Throughout his campaign, Trump has laid out a dystopian vision for America where the military uses violence to detain and deport immigrants, suppress protests, and target criminals. He has used fascistic, violent language and recently repeated his vow to be a “dictator” for “one day” if elected.

    Watch and read more: [](

  2. Justdoingthebestican on

    The question was about if foreign actors (China Russia) would cause issues on Election Day

    Trump answered by saying that the enemy from within / people who don’t support Trump are a more dangerous threat and may need to be dealt with by the national guard or military 🙄

  3. ajackofallthings on

    So I take it he ALSO agrees that the military should be deployed against far right lunatics as well right? Like.. he isn’t two faced and one sided.. right? He knows he is on the far right (along with Elon, and many others).. and they should ALL be handled by the military too.. right? OR .. is he just selling that far right is right right and far left is not right enough?

  4. Probably the biggest downside to modern information technology is that media can be so tightly curated.

    Employing this, the right wing figured out a propaganda loophole wherein they don’t need to control ALL the media, they just need to control enough.

    That Trump supporters by and large do not get exposed to his radicalism is why he maintains the support he does. Tell any Trump supporter the things he has said and most will flatly deny.

  5. “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
    ~ Sinclair Lewis

    There is a reason Republicans keep saying “the U.S. is not a democracy, it is a republic”. If you are going to try to take something away from people, the first step is to convince them that it wasn’t really there in the first place.
    “Fuck Democracy”: MAGA Republicans In Their Own Words
    Days after Trump won the Iowa GOP caucus, white supremacist leader Nick Fuentes spoke out about his loyalty to Trump — while giving a Nazi salute and discussing his willingness to commit extrajudicial violence for “Supreme Leader Trump.”
    “Hitler is the kind of leader we need today. We need somebody inspirational.”
    ~ Carl Paladino, right wing political activist and Republican congressional candidate
    In the 2018 midterm election 56,000 Conservatives in Illinois voted for an outright Nazi.
    U.S. Neo-Nazi Leader: Trump Is the ‘Real Deal’
    White nationalists mark Trump win with Nazi salute.

    **Trump wants to set up deportation camps**

    Wants to prosecute political rivals

    GOP lawmaker admits to no voter fraud found

    Rasmussen secretly working to skew polls in Trump’s favor

    Jewish and Catholic communities speaking out about Trump’s religious “loyalty tests”

    Credit for first set of links:

  6. Eatthehamsters69 on

    Who will come out of this election?

    The kinda united states of america, or the WTF states of america?

  7. The people who say the 2nd Amendment is needed for combating tyranny seem to be very comfortable supporting a tyrant.

  8. Commander in Chief or not, the Pentagon would view such directives as illegal and not carry them out.

  9. zero_blammos_given on

    He wants to do pretty much everything he baselessly accuses the current administration of doing.

  10. Ahhh, Donny – you are no longer president or commander-in-chief, so you won’t be calling out the military this November. You don’t even have the authority to call out the Cub Scouts.

  11. Objective_Oven7673 on

    While I absolutely believe he would deploy the military against anyone he doesn’t like, this sounds to me like he’s at least aware of an increased risk of violence on election day, and is actively trying to set the stage that any violence must be left-wing and have nothing to do with his party or supporters.

    Hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew about specific terror plots, or even helped plan and execute them.

  12. Each day he says (or does) one more disqualifying thing. I just hope it means another bunch of votes against him in November.

  13. He’s literally saying the quiet part out loud with a megaphone. Media, DoJ, FBI – anyone? Hello? Is there anyone out there?

  14. AFthrowaway3000 on

    And that will activate the *”all enemies, foreign and domestic”* part of the oath to anyone in the military sensible enough to oppose him.

  15. He’s everything our founding fathers railed against. The fucking irony that his supporters call themselves patriots.

  16. So… real question.

    Are they going to murder thousands of Americans? Just want to know if I need to get my affairs in order, because I plan to oppose him until my last dying breath.

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