Donald Trump, “protector” of women: This deeply sexist notion has a long legal history. Trump’s version of insecure masculinity demands a weak, submissive woman, who must be protected — and controlled
Donald Trump, “protector” of women: This deeply sexist notion has a long legal history. Trump’s version of insecure masculinity demands a weak, submissive woman, who must be protected — and controlled
Interesting perspective, but I respectfully disagree.
TintedApostle on
He was literally found guilty of sexual assault and has stated he can just grab their “pussy”.
HearYourTune on
Republicans hate women, Republican women hate themselves.
JubalHarshaw23 on
40% of women who vote have repeatedly proven beyond doubt that they want to have every aspect of their lives controlled by Men. Even worse is the fact that by their votes, they demand that All women be subjugated.
nturbbyxo on
Trump’s idea of being a “protector” for women is really just a throwback to old-fashioned sexism that keeps women dependent and submissive. This view not only ignores women’s autonomy but also risks repeating a history where so-called protection often meant control. Women don’t need saving; they need rights and the ability to make their own choices.
Nillavuh on
Trying to win over women in the only way he knows how: by exerting authority over them, assuming control of them, and manipulating them. The idea of winning over women by perhaps listening to them and helping them get what *they* want is a completely foreign concept to him. It’s *his* job to tell *them* what *they* want!
God I never want to see that smug smirk on his fucking face ever again.
baquir on
Donald Trump, first of his name. Raper of women and children, fuhrer of proud boys, leader and king of MAGAs, protector of the inbred, and felon of the felons.
Tballz9 on
In his case it is a woman that is purchased, rented or forced.
Usual_Refrigerator63 on
Sexist man🤬🤬
Odd-Bee9172 on
Makes me think of The Yellow Wallpaper, a short story about a woman who was “protected” to the point where it drove her insane.
Hitler made the same claims before his failed reich needed their labor.
Catspaw129 on
The B&P party.
Impressive_Chips on
”Protected” from outside forces to as to keep her weak, you mean.
goosiebaby on
Also only applies to white women.maybe Asian women as well. But primarily white.
VaguelyArtistic on
Well he’s doing a town hall later for an audience made up exclusively of women so get the vomit buckets ready.
PadSlammer on
Is there a way to just block salon?
AlexKingstonsGigolo on
Hey, donald, male to male, while I get what you mean by “protector” and from where that idea comes, that origin also necessitates men not claim protector status but instead silently internalize it. Consider the idea of the “male ally”; feminists will generally tell you, if you claim to be a “male ally”, you are not a male ally, no matter what else happens. The same goes for “protector”; true protectors know they must never advertise themselves as such, directly nor indirectly, and let their actions speak for themselves.
But you cannot — or will not — do that, can you?
IdahoMTman222 on
He just said at a rally when heckled that he hope the woman gets knocked around afterwards.
NegotiationSea7008 on
We won’t need protection if we’re not abused
MaximumManagement765 on
The guy who has violently raped women and openly plans to make women the property of cis white men? Yeah….
Interesting perspective, but I respectfully disagree.
He was literally found guilty of sexual assault and has stated he can just grab their “pussy”.
Republicans hate women, Republican women hate themselves.
40% of women who vote have repeatedly proven beyond doubt that they want to have every aspect of their lives controlled by Men. Even worse is the fact that by their votes, they demand that All women be subjugated.
Trump’s idea of being a “protector” for women is really just a throwback to old-fashioned sexism that keeps women dependent and submissive. This view not only ignores women’s autonomy but also risks repeating a history where so-called protection often meant control. Women don’t need saving; they need rights and the ability to make their own choices.
Trying to win over women in the only way he knows how: by exerting authority over them, assuming control of them, and manipulating them. The idea of winning over women by perhaps listening to them and helping them get what *they* want is a completely foreign concept to him. It’s *his* job to tell *them* what *they* want!
God I never want to see that smug smirk on his fucking face ever again.
Donald Trump, first of his name. Raper of women and children, fuhrer of proud boys, leader and king of MAGAs, protector of the inbred, and felon of the felons.
In his case it is a woman that is purchased, rented or forced.
Sexist man🤬🤬
Makes me think of The Yellow Wallpaper, a short story about a woman who was “protected” to the point where it drove her insane.
Donald Trump, “whiniest bitch that ever lived”
Lionesses hunt. Without them males are doomed!
Hitler made the same claims before his failed reich needed their labor.
The B&P party.
”Protected” from outside forces to as to keep her weak, you mean.
Also only applies to white women.maybe Asian women as well. But primarily white.
Well he’s doing a town hall later for an audience made up exclusively of women so get the vomit buckets ready.
Is there a way to just block salon?
Hey, donald, male to male, while I get what you mean by “protector” and from where that idea comes, that origin also necessitates men not claim protector status but instead silently internalize it. Consider the idea of the “male ally”; feminists will generally tell you, if you claim to be a “male ally”, you are not a male ally, no matter what else happens. The same goes for “protector”; true protectors know they must never advertise themselves as such, directly nor indirectly, and let their actions speak for themselves.
But you cannot — or will not — do that, can you?
He just said at a rally when heckled that he hope the woman gets knocked around afterwards.
We won’t need protection if we’re not abused
The guy who has violently raped women and openly plans to make women the property of cis white men? Yeah….