JD Vance’s mom got health coverage under Trump — by using Obamacare

Source: RollSafer


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  2. >“Members of my family actually got private health insurance, at least, for the first time … under Donald Trump’s leadership,” Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said at this month’s vice-presidential debate

    >Vance was referring to his mother, who purchased private health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplace

    Thanks Obama.

    This is like all the red state Reps and Senators taking credit for IRA/infrastructure projects they voted against. Must be nice having constituents that research absolutely nothing.

  3. account4garbageonly on

    Good, everyone should have access to health insurance. Frankly, everyone should have access to healthcare regardless of insurance. I’m glad that she was able to finally have the health coverage she likely needed, especially after all those years of drug addiction.

  4. According to his wikipedia, JD Vance signed an $8 million advance for a sequel to his book. His first book did extremely well in late 2016 into 2017, which would have been near the start of Trump’s term in office.

    Which begs the question: why didn’t JD Vance get his mother private health care? He could certainly afford it during the entirety of Trump’s term.

  5. Vance’s grandmother raised him because his mom was a drug addict. His grandmother used her social security to raise Vance. The same support the Republicans want to get rid of. They will throw their own families over the railing if it means they can destroy the Democrats.

  6. He did the exact same thing about abortion during the debate.

    He was using the same cynical strategy China does when the CCP says it has sovereignty over the RoC despite being newer – repeating a lie calmly and confidently while you hope it slowly becomes the truth.

    Only terrible people represent themselves this way. They are the type of people that think 1984 was a good idea.

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”George Orwell, 1984.


    They yell it internally and it looks like wrathful vengeance, they conceal it externally and it looks like cold calculation. Those are the tells.

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