UK’s fertility rate falling faster than any other G7 nation | UK News

Source: cybrzone_

1 Comment

  1. I am shocked!!!!! So let me get this straight, the price of everything has gone through the fucking roof and we are surprised to see less people having kids ????? What a revelation!!!!

    I don’t even want kids, but I feel sorry for the people that do….. and if we are looking at this from a purely “economic” angle, if the government don’t make a genuine effort to reduce the cost of living this is going to get waaaaaaay worse.

    Let’s face it we all know having kids has always been expensive, but even just the idea of having kids these days goes out the window when you realise you can leave home, because you can’t afford rent or a mortgage. That’s before you even get onto the conversation of childcare, which is essentially like paying a second mortgage.

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