Di is continuing her ancestors’ fight and pushing for land returns in Tasmania

Source: Enoch_Isaac


  1. LongjumpingWallaby8 on

    Amazing how many indigenous people there are in Tasmania.. I thought Truganini died in the late 1800’s…

    Must be a lot of very distant cousins… we need to introduce DNA tests to prove heritage

  2. “It’s our land, and it should be returned to us.”

    That statement is only true if Di’s ancestors were the original and only occupants of that land. Sure her mob may have been the occupants when the European settlers arrived but there is no proof that Di’s mob didn’t dispossess previous occupiers through force. If it was such a good location then successive tribes would have vied for the land but we’ll never know. Di’s mob in all likelihood were invaders. Her ownership claim based on the most recent occupiers is weaker than that of those settlers that became the subsequent occupiers who actually have recorded title.

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