President Bush, Put Country Over Party and Endorse Kamala Harris

Source: ewzetf


  1. About time, fuckface….is what I would say if I hadn’t read the title correctly. Which I did not.

  2. Cheney has redeemed himself and will be remembered as a hero for stopping Trump. Bush can redeem himself too.

  3. ExploringWidely on

    He won’t. He doesn’t care about the country. Look at what he’s done since he left office … NOTHING. Nothing to help anyone but himself. I’d like to think he’s hanging his head in shame for what he inflicted on this country, but I know better.

  4. Professional_Chair28 on

    I’m usually not one for conspiracy bs, but at this point the only reason I can think of that explains why Bush still hasn’t come out publicly is that Trump’s got some Epstein dirt on Bush.

  5. It’s time for leaders like Bush to put country before party and endorse Harris. Trump’s actions threaten our democracy, and real patriots should stand up against that, no matter their political views.

  6. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 87%. (I’m a bot)
    > "Country over party," has been the call to arms for a subset of Republicans alarmed by the takeover of the GOP by former President Donald Trump, now a convicted felon, and the unscrupulous and cynical yes-men and yes-women who have backed his candidacy, no matter what outrageous lies he tells voters or threats he poses to our country.

    > There is no modern example of a former president not endorsing the candidate from his own party apart from Bush, who did not endorse Trump in 2016, 2020 or now.

    > The question for George W. Bush and for his brother, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and others, including Jim Baker, a former Secretary of State and GOP powerbroker going back to the Ronald Reagan era, is what is more important to them now: country or party? They reportedly abhor Trump's contempt for the rule of law and democracy, so why haven't they spoken up?

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694942 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **former**^#1 **Trump**^#2 **Republican**^#3 **President**^#4 **party**^#5

  7. It’s would be the right thing to do if Bush endorsed Kamala. Also what does he have to lose? Dan Quayle became a pivotal VP when told Pence to count the votes. Bush could become pivotal too if he endorsed Kamala.

  8. This kind of bullshit is why she is losing all momentum, this fucking supposed play for the idiot undecided voters by coddling the right has now massively cost her her core voters, Walz palling around with McCain’s son to show how friendly to the right wing they will be is simply fucking disgusting. This is a losing strategy as the polls and loss of momentum show.

  9. If you’re hoping that a republican does the right thing, you’re going to be disappointed

  10. On the other hand, please don’t. I think that endorsement would lose more votes for Harris than it would gain.

  11. Damn good idea but, it runs contrary to herd mentality and seeking the truth to make informed decisions.

  12. finally_wintermuted on

    He was a wildly unpopular and polarizing President, especially to Democrats. His endorsement is likely to do more harm than good and I think he knows that.

  13. He was one of our worst presidents. A war criminal who belongs in jail. How many hundreds of thousands Iraqis are dead because of him and his administration?

    Why would I care who he endorses?

  14. Reasonable_racoon on

    All he has to say is “This isn’t The Republican Party I and my father knew. In order to save our party and our Democracy, Trump has to be defeated.”

  15. Fucking why? Im not supporting trump but who tf is out there like i wont know who to vote for until the guy that fucked up iraq and watched the economy tank on his watch gives his take.

    At some point the question isnt will they endorse her but does anyone care what they think.

  16. Bush endorsing Harris will not have the effect that you think it will. Let’s hope he keeps his mouth shut

  17. A Bush endorsement at this point isn’t going to move remaining fence-sitting moderate Republicans over to Harris. Everybody on that side has already decided what they’re going to do.

    It’s only going to make enemies out of the casual MAGAs who still supported Bush’s legacy through party affiliation/team spirit. He’s doing this to avoid being sent to the political wilderness for good.

  18. Why would he do that when his grandfather tried to overthrow the government and take out FDR.

    He’s from a family of insurrectionist.

  19. Aggressive-Welder-62 on

    He won’t. He can’t. If he did endorse Kamala, he would have to also admit all of those Supreme Court picks Trump made are horrible. And remember, those Trump picks helped Bush steal the 2000 election in Florida, which reflects poorly back on Bush.

  20. Why would you want him to? As bad as Trump is Bush was worse! Y’all have amnesia? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. This would be like wanting the klan’s endorsement.

  21. George W. Bush has been on the wrong side of history for two decades so his decision to put party over country is consistent with who the man is.

  22. PhillipKDickens on

    The idea that his endorsement is needed, like Dick Cheney’s is a narrative built on historical lies.  We sit at this very inflection point because of their immorality in running the government.  We traded our privacy and minds for the comfort of the advertising,  hateful mind virus that we call the Intenet so they could wage money making holy wars in secret. Bush brought this virus to our doorstep. We the People are involved in a rich person’s class war. The rich people are duking out for the control of the corruption,  the secrets. Why do u think they attack the news media. The news media used to report on corruption like Abu Gharib, not now. The money wants to control the government which the.Supreme Court has legalized at this point.

  23. SuperGenius9800 on

    War criminal Bush moved into a safe place and only emerged to do his church speeches at $35,000 a pop. I hear he eats paint chips also.

  24. The Bush family are career politicians over generations. They are grooming their next generation currently. Remaining silent and not endorsing the current GOP candidate is about as damning as it gets from them. The Bush family will never overtly part from the Republican Party, but their silence is deafening in the political circles.

  25. How the fuck are people wanting a monster like him to endorse the dems???? The democrats really are just fully fine working with these right wing ghouls now.

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