Danger close – A10 hits insanely close to British troops – Afghanistan 2007

Source: DefinitelyNotMeee


  1. DefinitelyNotMeee on

    The actual ‘danger close’ strafing run is at 0:23.

    This is one of the rare examples of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of GAU-8’s DU rounds.

    If anyone has better quality version of this video, please share.

  2. reddituseronebillion on

    A buddy I deployed with has shrapnel all up his back from one of those things during a previous tour.

  3. starfighter_104 on

    Station, this is observer, we need a gun run right here, this location, over

    …Blue on blue, BLUE ON BLUE, STOP

  4. Unhappy-Finance7535 on

    Do A-10 squadrons have a plaque for Blue-on-Blue incidences with the Brits? Or is it more of a mural they paint wherever they were stationed? Asking for a friend.

  5. DONGBONGER3000 on

    I was like “wait that wasn’t that close, although this British grunt banter is fun to listen to JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.”

  6. Yeah the A10 may be worse at close support than cheap drones with VOGs strapped to them but there’s something about that pure hell of DU showering from above that makes me love that fucking plane.

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