US urges Israel to stop shooting at UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

Source: WernerVanDerMerwe


  1. SuperDuperSaturation on

    I mean after the UNRWA BS I sorta don’t blame the Israelis. At the same time though the Israelis are pretty freakin trigger happy

  2. Yeah, they should probably stop doing that. That’s horrible, and it’s not helping anything. Very bad PR.

  3. When you have several non-communicating groups withing a single battlefront, there are going to be unintended incidents between them.

    Israel did ask them to leave in order to avoid issues just like this. They chose to stay.

  4. The_Novelty-Account on

    The mandate of UNIFIL is set annually by the UNSC, the budget is approved by the UNGA, the mission head is Spanish, and the program is run by NATO. The program is comprised of over 10,000 people from 46 different countries.  

    There is near universal support for UNIFIL. Striking them or near enough to them that there are casualties is insane regardless of whether or not they were warned first. 

  5. Right now there are no love between Israel and UN. Except for US, Israel has nary a support in UN and UN have utterly failed to prevent terrorists from attacking Israel and make Resolution 1701 stick.

    Right now Israel probably think of UN as nothing more than roadblock getting in the way of elimination of Hezbollah.

  6. Time to revisit the UNIFIL function and budget…. Spending $1/2B/year to have human shield for Hezbollah and an obstacle for Israel is pretty expensive.

  7. yqyywhsoaodnnndbfiuw on

    I have generally supported Israel up to this point and have given them the benefit of the doubt, but this recent UN stuff has been at best bad optics and at worst, malicious.

  8. Longjumping_Ebb_3635 on

    “US urges”
    No they don’t, they say they urge, but they don’t actually urge, there is a world of difference.
    The USA massively supports everything Israel is doing, which is why they keep arming Israel endlessly.

  9. “Urges”

    It’s pretty clear that Israel will do what it wants and America will keep supplying it. A US citizen was killed recently and America barely mentioned it. Israel could do this every day for months and the US wouldn’t do anything.

  10. According to the UN, the Lebanon “UN peacekeepers”are selected from the following by their own government:

    “Individual Police Officers (IPO): About one third of police officers are nominated by their government to serve the United Nations for a period of up to two years. …
    Formed police Units (FPUs): About two thirds of all police are deployed as a trained and equipped, cohesive unit.”

  11. chorretededopamina on

    The late stage psychotic state is doing psychotic things, what a surprise. But most of all, what an embarrassment for all the others who support it.

    How will Europe and the US then moralize to developing nations, and try to lure them away from Chinese influence? Absolutely stupid.

  12. UN peace keepers means Irish forces (IDF) are there. In the way of a war so maybe move. I dont know why
    Ireland would side with Iran or its proxies. Did Ireland’s brain fallout or just to drunk? <Thats a joke

    Honestly why are they siding with terrorists??? Should be instant removal from the UN or some sort of penalty action should be taken no?

  13. The US should just be a big boy and deploy US troops to the UN base to show that it stands in solidarity with peace and security, rather than letting Israel embarrass America before the elections with Netanyahu’s love affair.

  14. “Please stop committing war crimes with our weapons but also here is billions of dollars of weapons to commit war crimes with.”

  15. Why would Isreal stop? UNRWA helped to finance the oct.7 attack, and 12 members of UNRWA were directly involved. Isreal doesn’t care two shits what the UN thinks or says. Those peacekeepers need to get out of the way and let the idf take care of business.

  16. my_name_is_nobody__ on

    The UNs actions or perhaps inaction aided Hamas and hezbola, surprise surprise Israel’s fuckin pissed

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