Talks on UK rejoining EU could start in 10 years’ time, says Peter Mandelson

Source: BlitzOrion


  1. How does this man even show his face in public after the Epstein exposure?

    He may be right about the EU but it doesn’t say much about our supposedly crusading journalistic traditions that he’s still part of public life.

  2. corbynista2029 on

    Calling it now: Labour will be deeply unpopular in 2028/29, so in an attempt to woo their voter base back they promise to join customs union or even the single market, and a path towards rejoining the EU.

  3. Bound to happen eventually. Stupid decision economically speaking. And the economics of the situation are the only thing that should ever have been considered important.

  4. cloche_du_fromage on

    Based on my trust levels for Mandelson, I’m assuming this means talks are already in progress.

  5. A key factor in the next election will be the European Court of Human Rights. Labour will need to defend why murderers cannot be deported and rapists rights trump that of their victims.

    If they lose the election and we then resile from ECHR we cannot then ever be an EU member unless they reverse that too. Good luck winning that referendum!

  6. Media remain fantasists constantly pushing this fake narrative. The U.K. is out of the E.U. And will remain so. 

  7. Could. 

    “Halle Berry agreeing to go on a date with me could happen next week.”   

    “The truth is that a pint and a bag of pork scratchings could be a conversation that starts next Wednesday, but only if Ms Berry was willing to consider it.”

  8. Unless those talks are happening now we can’t start to reverse the damage of the Tories for at least another decade.

  9. The way EU are going about AI they are shooting themselves in the foot, at least the UK government are heavily investing in AI and not going crazy on regulations like the EU. AI will be a major part of the world economy by 2030 so any early investment and less guardrails the better

  10. Yeah ok then. 10 years time. Who knows who will be in government then. Chances are the EU will be even more of a fading force by then as well so what’s the point even thinking about it.

  11. It’s never gonna happen!

    I don’t know if you know & understand the concerns of the under 20’s in this country they are be coming more conservative because the current liberal establishment has betrayed them!

    This is also trending that way across Europe!

  12. Able-Description7200 on

    Leaving the UK post-brexit is the best decision I’ve ever made. Voted yourself into oblivion. 

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