Despite mounting evidence, Russia denies North Korean soldiers are fighting in Ukraine

Source: AdSpecialist6598


  1. astride_unbridulled on

    [Ron Howard narration] He was only being sarcastic again. In Soviet Russia, sarcasm gets you!

  2. eatmoreturkey123 on

    Why don’t they want to admit it? Getting other countries to fight your war seems like it would be popular at home.

  3. Betelgeuse-2024 on

    The best way to know if something is true is probably when Russia denies it. So there you go, it’s true.

  4. Putting any weight into what ruzzia says at this point is equivalent to doing the same thing over, and over, with a failed result.

  5. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    People keep acting like things said by Russians have some value. Russians have reduced language to a tool for creating a false reality. Their words have no other purpose.

  6. Evidence never stopped Russia from lying. They don’t care because they know they can get away with it.

  7. They were tourists. It’s just that a bombed out Ukrainian city looks like a North Korean vacation site. Hence the unfortunate casualties.

  8. New Axis is really pushing the boundaries with this conflict. It’s only a matter of time until we discover IRGC and PLA soldiers are also entering the invasion to gain combat experience.

  9. Just injure a NK soldier, hold him as a POW and present him to the world (not that it matters anyways)

  10. ____cOrNhOlIo_____ on

    No offense, but North Koreans don’t look like Russians at all. Especially in the eyes.

  11. Putin and his minions have 0 credibility as no one believes a word they say. When they state they deny, means it’s the opposite.

  12. StiffySlitRaider on

    I get it. I would be ashamed too if i had to ask NK for help as a 2nd world nuclear superpower.

  13. I read an article that NK soldiers were promised jobs like drone building and such, but were sent to the frontline and complaining about it, that it wasn’t part of the deal.

    But we all know you can’t complain long at the front.

  14. The Russians ran out of people to send to the slaughter so now they placed an order for take out. 🙄

  15. Waiting on the close-up Ukrainian drone footage of a dead NK soldiers face, it’s inevitable.

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