‘I nearly died drinking a ginger beer – my school’s EpiPen saved my life’

Source: GeoWa


  1. Crafty_Bar_2245 on

    On a lighter note, I was the biggest buyer of Fentimans ginger beer at Sainsburys in south west England in 2022

  2. >“Unlike a defibrillator, this is a medicine,” Dr Nwokoro says. “It’s something that can expire, and there’s a question around who carries responsibility for replacing it and who pays for it.”

    He realises that defib pads and batteries have expiry dates, right?

  3. Everyone should learn how to administer an Epipen. A girl I was friends with at uni was deathly allergic to nuts and taught us all in our first week, just in case we ever needed to use it. It is fourteen years later and I still remember how to do it.

  4. Theres lots of things that are flavoured or colured by paprika Im allergic to it so look at labels if it just says spices I avoid Could it have been that ?

  5. Allmychickenbois on

    Was there a snail at the bottom of it?!

    Glad there’s a happy ending here, the caretaker was very smart to remember the pen.

  6. I think we all know what the lesson from all this is…

    Living in an Enid Blyton novel is fucking dangerous.

    Ginger Beer is what finished off George, and Timmy fell down the well.

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