Jill Stein: The Grifter Who May Hand Trump the White House Again

Source: Quirkie


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  2. OppositeDifference on

    >Jill Stein doesn’t give, as the old saying goes, a flying f*ck about democracy. Instead, she’s all about how famous she can become and how much money she can grift off her repeated presidential campaigns. It’s a damn dangerous game.

    I mean…. I don’t really have anything to add to that completely accurate summary.

  3. She is a ghoul

    Not only does she help Trump, she’s the reason we can’t have an actual Green Party.

  4. After much analyzation, I cannot detect a lie. I don’t know why this subreddit decided to give her a platform days ago by amplifying her AMA.

  5. Agressive-toothbrush on

    Muslims in Michigan who vote for Jill Stein should not be surprised when they get their deportation order from the Trump Administration.

    Those who think Trump is not going to do it forget that the Conservative Supreme Court gave Trump total immunity, that Trump wants to be a dictator and that Trump lives for the adulations of his followers and takes advice from Stephen Miller, a known islamophobe.

    So there you go, let the Muslims vote for Stein and seal their own fate.

  6. I honestly don’t think shes gonna get much votes in total(yeahs there the abandoned Harris crowd but they are more all bark than bite.) that crowd spend more time screaming at people on their phone. Doesn’t help that their main point in trying people to convince people to vote stein is “I don’t care what could happen to you if Trump get reelected, vote stein or you are a terrible person“. Cause other than Palestine, what would She do for the citizens? What are her policies for example? What’s her track record and what’s she’s done for this country? These people care more about wanting to tell people”I told you so” than actually wanting someone who can do good for the country and what that means for the future. Granted this is from Tumblr and Twitter experience

    we still got four weeks to go as of this comment anyway, we could see a turn around and polls tend to flip flop everyday anyway. Odds are it won’t be a big chuck of voters lost then people fear. the CNN town hall could also convince people to vote for her and may change some would be third party voter’s minds as well. And hey, we still got 6 other swing states as well.

  7. Business-Minute-3791 on

    I’m a firm believer that we need to break up the two major parties and switch to a proportional representation system instead of this winner takes all nonsense. I’m also a New York state resident who gets to support smaller parties via our fusion ballot system while still voting for a viable candidate.

    The Greens are almost never on any of my ballots, not national, not local, not even as an extra option for a candidate running on multiple party lines. In the US they only appear every 4 years to try to ride voter frustration and solicit donations and the folks who fall for them never seem to get that the wool’s been pulled over their eyes.

  8. Funkymonkeyhead on

    She’s a Russian asset bought and paid for by the Kremlin. Her views on Ukraine line up EXACTLY to the official stance coming out of the Kremlin. This woman is not just a grifter, she’s much worst than that. She’s someone who has sold out her country for money, influence, and some perceived grudge she has for the mainstream political left.

  9. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://newrepublic.com/article/187038/jill-stein-green-party-grifter-hand-trump-white-house) reduced by 93%. (I’m a bot)
    > Fresh off her 2016 political quacksalvery, in which she handed that year's election to Donald Trump, this professional grifter-who's been doing real damage to the Green Party for over a decade-is trying to get Trump back into the White House.

    > In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost Wisconsin to Trump by 22,748 votes; Stein carried 31,072 votes.

    > Stein is working hard to win the votes of disaffected Muslims in Michigan and Wisconsin, among other swing states, and could well deny Harris the White House this year just like she so proudly did to Clinton in 2016.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1g0qmo6/jill_stein_the_grifter_who_may_hand_trump_the/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694871 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Party**^#1 **vote**^#2 **Stein**^#3 **state**^#4 **Green**^#5

  10. I think more people are onto her grift than they were in 2016 and the environmental difference between Biden/Harris vs Trump is so massive that I feel less will fall for her bullshit.

    That said, fuck her for ruining a green party and fuck her for being a russian asset.

  11. The Green Party has become a Russian operative, thanks to Stein and her ilk, strictly designed to keep Dems out of the White House. It has nothing to do with what the Green Party stands for or what it was originally intended to do, i.e., become a viable third party.

  12. SirhanSirhanSoloSolo on

    Didn’t she raise a bunch of money after the 2016 election because she was gonna use that money to force some recounts, and then she did nothing and kept the money?

  13. threehundredthousand on

    Female Ross Perot with 90% less policy and 100% less interest in actually serving.

  14. Fresh off her 2016 political quacksalvery, in which she handed that year’s election to Donald Trump, this professional grifter—who’s been doing real damage to the Green Party for over a decade—is trying to get Trump back into the White House.

  15. BigBallsMcGirk on

    Jill Steun got 1.5 million votes in 2016.

    Gary Johnson got 5 million votes.

    3rd parties hurt Trump more than Harris, or else RFK wouldn’t be trying to get taken off the ballot in all those swing states.

    If you can’t make your case to voters about Trumps existential threat to democracy over voting for someone admitting they don’t have a path to victory that does no campaigning……you’re a shitty candidate, and you’re to blame for not earning more votes.

    Quit trying to browbeat people into making demofracy work by only voting for your person.

  16. I don’t think it will work nearly as well this time. More people are aware she is a snake. And for better or worse, 2 decades of smear campaigns made Hillary really unpopular. Stein won’t have that advantage this time.

    Also, in 2016 I saw a lot more people talking positively here, now only trolls and bots (although there were a ton of those in 2016 too).

  17. I’d be much more open-minded to the green party as a third party option to break up the two party system if I heard from them literally any other time. Only having them pop up to try and get 2% of the vote on the presidential election every 4 years is just pathetic.

  18. Arguing against Jill Stein grifters is somehow worse than Trump supporters. I lost a friend because they were adamantly sucked into her grift and just a while ago found some idiot that just doesn’t understand how reality works in US elections.

    They’re so against the genocide in Hamas they’re willing to let a guy that openly discriminates against Muslims into power to somehow stop it. How does this make sense?

    You have to be brain dead if you think magically a third party is going to do any good at this stage. She’s gonna get maybe 1% in a few counties at best, and all this does is hurt the only party that will be willing to help their cause.

  19. The creation of opposing political parties is an extension of the first past the post system used by the US for the majority of elections. If the easiest way to win is to get 50+1, then you’re inevitably going to get two parties that represent the majority of viewpoints to get to 50+1.

    The Greens and Libertarians aren’t real political parties, in the sense that they have zero chance of getting to 50+1 in all but the most unusual circumstances. They exist as outliers preventing another party from getting to 50+1.

    With that being said, if the Greens, Libertarians, or anyone else were remotely interested in creating a true alternative to Democrats or Republicans the first thing they would do is advocate for ranked choice, establish sufficient support and more importantly wins at the local and state level to demonstrate viability, and create enough groundswell to prevent either Democrats OR Republicans from winning at a national level without them as part of a coalition government.

    As is, neither the Greens nor Libertarians have demonstrated the ability to do that. As a result, calling them political parties is a bit of a misnomer – at best they’re advocacy groups, and at worst they’re grifters.

    With that being said, Stein is 100% a grifter. She shows up every four years to play Presidential spoiler and does nothing in-between to build the Green party.

  20. Cool-Protection-4337 on

    I dunno. Kamala is the sane vote Democrats and many in the middle are going to vote for her. Sure trump will draw votes from the middle as well but many Republicans exist believe it or not who don’t like him especially after Jan. 6 and his rhetoric and history of attacking allies who just disagree with him even one time. 

     Wil trump pull enough votes to cover that loss? Lots of those will prob vote stein. I really don’t see her picking up a lot of democratic votes to make a difference. Old school Republicans will more than likely vote for stein over the other two. I see trump losing more votes in this political gamble to help a traitor win. People are tired of hearing the name trump this will show how much in the end.

  21. I try really hard not to waste valuable time hating people. This person challenges that pursuit.

  22. Coming from a country with a real Green Party 🇳🇿I find this more than a little confusing.
    She is working to get two men elected who think the solution to the economy is Drill, Drill, Drill.
    Do they have any allegiances with other Green Parties internationally?

  23. I certainly hope that if there are future elections in this democracy that no one in this country ever casts a single vote again for Jill Stein or the Green Party.

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