Russia on ‘brink’ of ‘civil war’ after Chechen leader declares ‘blood feud’

Source: Aggravating_Set_8861


  1. ✅ 1) opposition groups arm themselves and mobilise against the government;
    2) political transitions such as decolonisation or regime change cause existing power structures to be questioned;
    ✅ 3) politics prolong power struggles and undermine existing institutions;
    ✅ 4) repression causes extreme distrust between rulers and the rest of society;
    ✅ 5) factionalism obstructs strengthening of state policies;
    ✅ 6) loss of cohesion within the ruling elite erodes the monopolisation of violence, rule-making, and tax collection; and
    ✅ 7) external interventions contribute to destabilisation.


    Source: [](

  2. Article is based on rumours and manbaby yelling online and a bunch of whatifs…i doubt the manbaby is about to start a war against the russian army….the same russia that pays his bills.

  3. This will just be a legitimate feud between Russian warlords, being amified by Kadyrov to try to curry more favours/preferential treatment from the Russian govt.

  4. russia has been “on the brink of total collapse” for 30+ years

    Wake me up when something tangible happens.

  5. Jaded-Influence6184 on

    Can’t feud anyone when your fighters only shoot at trees, empty buildings, and Russian soldiers who are virtually unarmed and untrained trying not to be killed by UAF.

  6. Low_Willingness1735 on

    It’s a great time to take back Chechnya. Kadyrov needs to go! Take the Tesla Truck gifted from Elon with you too.

  7. In 1917, it was a handful of communists in the right place at the right time.

    The upper class was around 3 million people. The communists organized themselves well.

    The tyrants of the 21st century rely on old concepts, and their fall comes when their “friends and partners” either

    1) Withdraw protection

    2) When they can’t expect outside protection

    When the opposition splits up or initiates reform

    Caecescu’s power in Romania slipped from the sloppy organizer when one man started to boo. Suddenly, 80.000 booed. The state TV channels refused to stop the audio of the broadcast.

    In that moment, the power was passed on to a small group of players.

    That doesn’t mean, of course, that the revolution is successful then. As the masses cannot sustain order unless someone else provides a better order to flock towards.

    The decentralised rules based order built upon a system of checks and balances is a threat to dictators and authoritarians. It provides a ready-made order that isn’t based upon subjugation and a vertical of power.

    That is why they despise it, and they despise those that uphold it.

    The new is devouring the old. A tale as old as time.

    Revolutions are never done by the masses . In 1917, a small organized group of roughly 220.000 communists brought down an ever more disorganized elite of 3 million Czarist boyars and the pack leader.

    The Russian empire disorganizes and with every day of disorganization. The counter movement forms and organizes itself.

    The monopoly of organized violence is slipping out of Russia’s hands inside the empire and also in its former and the occupied colonial holdings.

    Russia’s empire is in a long decline from effective organisation to re organisation, and the last stage of the process is defective organisation, collapse, and its ultimate rupture.

    Don’t forget two things: Putin’s system requires total irresponsibility from all members and total ignorance. The system, on top of that, will follow a steady arithmetic of horror the longer it is allowed to exist, and Putin will become more violent and more publicly violent to assert his dominance.

    “Dictatorship, the fetish worship of one man, is a passing phase, a state of society where men may not speak their minds and where children denounce their parents to the police. Where a businessman or small shopkeeper ruins his competitor by telling tales about his competitors’ private opinion. Such a state of society cannot long endure if brought into contact with a healthy outside world. It was not in dictators’ power to cramp and fetter the forward march of human destiny. The preponderant world forces are on our side, and they must be combined.” Churchill, 1938

    For all the totalitarian pomp and seeming power, in their hearts, there is unspoken fear. Dictators are afraid of words and thoughts, words spoken abroad, and thoughts
    stirring at home. All the more powerful because forbidden, this terrifies them. Winston Churchill, November 1938,

    Mazzini once said that revolutions must be made by the people and for the people. No nation can gain or long retain it without fighting for that freedom yourself.

    War, famine, plague and death, Russia has called all 4 riders to its doorstep and invited them in with their evil actions.

  8. JAGERminJensen on

    “Russia going to collapse” this, and
    “Trump going to prison” that…

    look, as much as I would love for both of these events to occur,


  9. If Ukraine has shown us anything. Unless this was is to be somehow fought on tiktoc. Those people have nothing to worry about.

  10. We’ve seen so much misinformation and rumours that it simply isn’t believable any more. Months ago, news reported that he was dying and now he’s still alive and even filmed himself riding his Cybertruck.

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