Donald Trump is Putin’s source at the top, says former CIA chief

Source: TheTelegraph


  1. Same rules never apply to Republicans.

    They can and will target Adams, and it will work.

  2. His term ends on January 20, 2021.

    Reporting on October 5, 2021.

    [Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants](

    >Top American counterintelligence officials warned every C.I.A. station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States being captured or killed, people familiar with the matter said.

    >The message, in an unusual top secret cable, said that the C.I.A.’s counterintelligence mission center had looked at dozens of cases in the last several years involving foreign informants who had been killed, arrested or most likely compromised. Although brief, the cable laid out the specific number of agents executed by rival intelligence agencies — a closely held detail that counterintelligence officials typically do not share in such cables.

    >The cable highlighted the struggle the spy agency is having as it works to recruit spies around the world in difficult operating environments. **In recent years, adversarial intelligence services in countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan have been hunting down the C.I.A.’s sources** and in some cases turning them into double agents.

    Edit, link since is getting ddosed right now:


    Is anyone else sick of all these “formers” saying the things we all know, while the “currents” aren’t doing shit to hold people accountable?

  4. There’s no better preview of the America Trump and his Project 2025 buddies want than Russia. We will be just as hollowed out and adrift, but with guns.

  5. electricfrog88 on

    And yet all these proud MAGA Americans could careless that their leader is a traitor.

  6. Antisocial-sKills on

    And the GOP says nothing because they want to regain power.

    – “Silence implies consent.”

    – “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

  7. ranchoparksteve on

    This is actual treason. We don’t need to keep arguing about what Jan 6 was or wasn’t. Let’s get a move on!

  8. black_flag_4ever on

    I grew up during the Cold War and cannot believe that so many Silent Generation and Boomers aren’t demanding his head on a stake.

  9. It’s concerning to think that Trump might be playing into Putin’s hands; his ongoing relationship with a known adversary raises serious questions about loyalty to the U.S. and national security.

  10. For decades, Pulitzer-winning journalist David Cay Johnston reported on Donald Trump’s long-standing ties to Russia, beginning in the late 1980s. Which findings have since been corroborated by many other reputable sources, including the wrongfully and maliciously maligned Mueller report.

    Johnston’s key findings include:

    * **Compromising Information**: Russia has reportedly accumulated 30 years’ worth of damaging information on Trump, linked to his questionable business dealings and connections with Russian oligarchs and gangsters.
    * **Early Entanglements**: Donald Trump Jr. has admitted to receiving significant funds from Russians, and Johnston notes Trump’s involvement with Russian criminals from the late 1980s.
    * **Manipulation and Blackmail**: Johnston suggests that Trump’s narcissism has made him susceptible to manipulation and blackmail by Putin and Russian intelligence.
    * **Extensive Business Dealings**: In his book, “The Making of Donald Trump,” Johnston outlines Trump’s extensive interactions with Russian mobsters and oligarchs, alongside Trump’s consistent denials of any misconduct, which Johnston attributes to his “con artist” tendencies.

    Based on this information – much of which has been publicly available for decades – Trump should have been disqualified as a candidate back in 2015. And Trump isn’t a legitimate candidate **NOW** for the very same reasons of his remaining a national security risk as well as a result of his insurrection attempts in 2020-21.

    No question – whatsoever – in my mind that Trump has already shared highly classified national security secrets with Putin during his time in office as well as shared the trove of highly classified documents he’s stolen from the U.S. gov’t when he left office.

    An act which Trump insists that Pres. Biden be charged and arrested for (on baseless charges) but **NOT** him, for which there exists mountains of concrete, credible evidence of wrongdoing. Trump’s narcissistic double-standard hypocrisy is just mind-numbing.

    There is ***ONLY ONE*** place Traitor Trump belongs in at this moment – and that is in prison – preferably Guantanamo.

  11. No surprise here. What’s surprising is so many Americanaskis still drinking da kool aid.

  12. No! That is amazing, no one would ever think that is true. In other amazing news Hurricane Milton was wet and windy.

  13. That sucks that Zelensky was put in a position to meet with that traitor. Wonder how soon after he called his buddy to give him the skinny. TRAITOR TRUMP!

  14. So arrest him for espionage.

    Seriously? Is that all that law enforcement does is sit around and jerk each others’ dicks?

  15. riff-raff-jesus on

    Love how we assassinated Americans and locked up Americans with the Patriot Act. This asshat, fatfuck slob Trump needs to be held to same standard.

  16. numbskullerykiller on

    This is so obvious that I almost think the CIA is using unwitting Trump to either Spy on Putin or inject lies into any intelligence Trump provides.

  17. Dudeist-Priest on

    How he’s not in prison already, let alone allowed to continue to lead the Republican party as their nominee is beyond me.

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