Liberals’ refusal, opposition’s demands over documents for spending scandal has created a government backlog

Source: GameDoesntStop


  1. >When this privilege debate ends, it still won’t mean business as usual. There’s another waiting in the wings.

    >Mr. Fergus has also ruled that Tourism Minister Randy Boissonault’s former business partner’s refusal to provide all the information about the pair’s business relationship breached MP privilege, so next up will be the debate on that.

  2. If Trudeau and the Liberals cared about Canadians, then they’d provide the documents requested. There is NOTHING on there that can be cited as National Security.

    What is Trudeau hiding? And why?

  3. I can’t wait for when this Liberal government is out of power so we can truly investigate their corruption. I hope anyone who broke the law is charged.

  4. The most open and transparent government in Canadian history is back at it again, folks.

  5. Honestly there is no reason to hide any of this, if there is no corruption. This should be a huge campaign point for opposition parties.

  6. Alextryingforgrate on

    Ah yes! A tradition as old as time itself. The Liberal government refusing to cooperate for being called out on their scandals.

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