Seeing as the mods removed my previous post, here’s a source other than “X”

Source: vaffanculo42069


  1. Comment from the previous post

    > I’m more interested in the Jewish physics and how they affect me.

    Why, that’s special relativity and quantum mechanics my friend! /s

  2. Known_Week_158 on

    For people who claim to not be antisemitic, they’ve used at least one antisemitic slogan, singled out a Jewish professor, and believe that any tie to Israel is wrong while remaining mysteriously silent on support for UNRWA, which has a lot more firm ties to Hamas.

    It says a lot about pro-Palestinian protesters that any tie, no matter how slight or alleged to Israel is a crime in their eyes, while open support for genocidal terrorist groups they refuse to criticise.

    I’m also going to hazard a guess and say that they’d accuse your of racism if you wanted to ensure no-one who is antisemitic and supports Hamas is allowed in on said scholarship they’re demanding.

  3. AcademicMaybe8775 on

    we need to start charging these people with hate crimes. seriously WTF are the AFP even doing

  4. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    Add this onto the pile of evidence that the pro palestine movement has a heavy antisemetic element.

  5. I feel like any sane person must realise that although Israel are committing war crimes (don’t worry I hate Hamas too! And Hezbollah! I condemn, I condemn!!) these people clearly just hate Jews. I can almost guarantee that *even* if Israel weren’t murdering children daily (as did Hamas, I also think they are bad, I condemn) that these people would still be spitting on Jews in the street.

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