Trudeau fiddles as Canadian flags burn

Source: HorsesMeow


  1. What is he supposed to do? Be an authoritarian dictator like Trump and threaten to toss people in jail for burning a flag? Either you give a shit about free speech or you don’t.

  2. Last I checked, there was nothing even remotely illegal about burning a flag.

    I don’t like it any more than anyone else, but it’s free expression.

  3. Dont_Hurt_Tomatoes on

    Agreed. He should go to every protest with a fire extinguisher and put out those flag fires! /s

    I know y’all don’t like Trudeau, but outside of politicians condemning flag burning, there is little else they can or should do. 

  4. thebestoflimes on

    Funny that the CPC has Post Media and Sun Media operating as their PR wing and still act like the biggest victims of the media.

  5. Enthusiasm-Stunning on

    Burn the Canadian flag and it’s fine. Fly the Canadian flag and get arrested and de-banked.

  6. Screw_You_Taxpayer on

    To all the people asking ‘what Trudeau should do’, maybe he could say something about how this is a problem in our society, and shouldn’t be socially acceptable. Like remember what that 9 year old girl had her hijab ripped off and Trudeau flew across the country to visit the family? (It was made-up, but that’s another story)

    But there are battleground ridings with enough people who agree with the protestors.

  7. Limp-Might7181 on

    Trudeau isn’t fiddling his fingers, he is working hard making sure we get more of these wonderful humans into our country. The wonderful humans who obviously don’t want to fly a plane into the CN Tower.

  8. DiaryOfTheMaster on

    Perhaps enacting a law that if you do something subversive and you are not a citizen, out you go.

  9. SignificantPipe5867 on

    I really hope this isn’t normalized in my city. I am pretty attached to being Jewish, Canadian, and alive.

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