Tom Mulcair: Conservatives continue to attack Trudeau’s potential successors

Source: Feedmepi314


  1. Mundane-Teaching-743 on

    > When I spoke with Joly about the Liberal reaction to the South African position she said something that floored me: “Thomas, have you seen the demographics of my riding”? I know that “all politics is local,” but I was astonished to hear such a candid admission that very local politics were playing such a role in shaping Canada’s foreign policy on this highly complex and sensitive issue.

    Seems to indicate that she’s more worried about holding her riding than any leaderdship aspirations, so it makes sense.

  2. ComfortableSell5 on

    Makes sense. Attacking Trudeau at this point is like flogging a dead horse. However much he might like attacking Trudeau’s personality, reputation, image and electability, all of those are pretty much ruined at this point.

    If he steps down, best to get the attacks on his successors in now, if he loses and one of those people replaces him, he already has a head start on the 2029 election.

    Shame that’s what our politics are now. Less policy, more destroying everything about your opponent like they are the enemy and not a fellow Canadian.

    I wont be voting for Trudeau, but I sure as hell wont award PP with my vote. How he has gone about “winning” is stomach turning.

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