German MEP Daniel Freund delivered a scathing critique of Viktor Orbán

Source: SmokingBlackSeaFleet


  1. PitchIllustrious3125 on

    Finally someone telling it like it is. The EU should temporarily suspend Hungary’s membership and arrest Orban. When hungary has gotten their shit together, bring them back in.

  2. Sea-Direction1205 on

    Also Orbán is the enabler behind the attacks on Paris and Zaventem. His administration let in the terrorists unscreened and then helped them two hundred thousand (200,000) SIM cards for bombs and communications.

  3. lol,,, and Orban is the one of the stains that Trump praised. Makes sense . Con man dictactor admired by con man dictator wannabe. “Victor Orban, one of the most respected men…” – Frump

  4. _-Moonsabie-_ on

    It’s a simple investigation

    Any IRS criminal investigator should be done in a day

    Unfortunately, the EU is baby US federalism scared of a civil war

    They are in carrots, not sticks mode. Bribery is part of the integration

  5. first time during my life someone in EU found their balls! Greetings! You have the first male politician in EU!

  6. EggplantOk2038 on

    Russian Glove Puppet, Putin has his hand so far up his backside.

    Ukraine had the Same issue except they had EuroMaidan!

    Hoof this Russian clown

  7. SectorSensitive116 on

    Spot on. Nothing will happen, but spot on. Shared European standards for electrical safety, exhaust emissions etc do not extend to shared European morality.

  8. ButtermitMayo on

    Orban ist ein verdammter Hurensohn und Stiefellecker des Kremels. Er wird mit Putin zusammen verschwinden. Aber solange er noch da ist sollte man dem ungarischen Volk die Reisefreiheit entziehen,damit sie merken,wen die da wählen.

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