For only 4th time the BBC will broadcast “Threads”, tonight.

Source: Adm_Shelby2


  1. True-Abalone-3380 on

    Turn off your phone, sit down and watch it. Live the lives of the everyday grey people, become them. Don’t watch it as an action movie just waiting for the big bang, that is not what the film is about.

    Also remember that is a world that at any time was only a few minutes away, but being British we just had a cup of tea and got on with it.

  2. In an urban society, everything connects.
    Each person’s needs are fed by the skills of many others.
    Our lives are woven together in a fabric.
    But the connections that make society strong, also make it vulnerable.


  3. Geoffstibbons on

    No. There’s nothing I want to see in that film. I’m grateful for its role in showing the UK how prepared the UK was for a nuclear holocaust.

  4. High-Tom-Titty on

    I grew up next to HMS Warrior/Northwood Headquarters. When I saw this film my parents just said not to worry, when the warning happens we’ll stand in the garden and not feel a thing. That didn’t help surprisingly.

  5. Enflamed-Pancake on

    Threads convinced me that it is better to just die immediately than try to persist following a nuclear attack.

  6. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    I have heard so much about this… through secondary sources, but have never seen it.

  7. We are closer to this now than we were in 1984 when this was made. As a child of the 80s, we grew up under the spectre of the bomb and the horrors of nuclear war were well known at least to older teens. There were government pamphlets and adverts about what to do if we were attacked. Since then, we’ve had a couple of generations that haven’t known or understood the power of nuclear weapons through not being exposed to media like this. I see so many comments about nuking this or bombing that….time for a modern Threads remake I think.

  8. Something tells me I probably shouldn’t watch this given I have a 2 year old and I seem to be about 10,000% softer than pre toddler.

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