Danish defence minister allows for danish f16’s to strike deep into russia

Source: SlavaUkraineDK


  1. SlavaUkraineDK on

    Danish F-16s can be used for attacks far inside Russia, says Troels Lund Poulsen.

    If it has a military purpose, Ukraine should use the F-16 aircraft that Denmark supplies to the country, for attacks far inside Russia.

    This is what Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen (V) said Tuesday in “Lippert” on TV 2 NEWS.

    – The restrictions we have given are that it must be in accordance with the people’s law. And it is so that if you have a military formula you can well hit deep against the enemy in terms of ammunition depots and the like. So it is possible for Ukraine, says Troels Lund Poulsen.

  2. Does US has to say its final ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in this case? Or Ukraine once receives an ‘ok’ from Denmark is free to use donated F16s for striking russian territory? If US has to approve or deny this, I don’t see the point of these statements.

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