[Climate Disinformation News] “MIT and Harvard Scientists Say Global Warming Causes More CO2, Not the Opposite”

Source: Anne_Scythe4444


  1. Anne_Scythe4444 on

    This stuff drives me crazy. I just wrote a letter to [finviz.com](http://finviz.com), the large site I found hosting this article, asking them to take it down.

    I also wrote the following comment on the article, which they’re not approving:

    “Mike, you and the commenters here are full of crap; you’ve all fallen down the rabbit hole of believing whatever you want, alongside whatever tabloid outlets like Fox News and minor internet publications tell you.

    I am someone who is familiar with the real, peer-review scientific community. They are all in full agreement; there is no doubt that the warming that has been tracked alongside the CO2 rise of the industrial age is caused by it. CO2 has carbon in it; it traps heat and makes the air hotter. We put out a ton of it because of all the fossil fuel use. It’s very simple.

    You people don’t even have a basic understanding of the facts right. Al Gore didn’t “invent this stuff”, and those aren’t “his graphs”- you should look up the Keeling Curve, THE KEELING CURVE You idiots!!! Look it up!!!! Also, why don’t you look through Nature Climate Change once a month, the climate segment of the world’s leading science journal.

    You people are the largest part of the problem! If you had half a brain and gave half a f–k you’d boycott all fossil fuel / methane without being asked, on your own initiative.”

  2. PostsNDPStuff on

    “Al Gore, AOC, and others want to spend over $100 trillion on this.”

    So much crazy packed into one short sentence.

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