US scrambled to urge Putin not to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, Woodward book says

Source: uhncollectable


  1. Covfefe-Drinker on

    If Putin was willing to use tactical nuclear weapons during the early months of the war to minimize battlefield losses, I can only guess as to how much restraint he is exercising now that the enemy has established a foothold in Russia proper.

  2. Mysterious-Bed4068 on

    Well if nato keeps pushing he will use them…make a deal and settle this now before we all go up in smoke…

  3. Putin doesn’t use nukes because the US told him not to. He doesn’t use nukes because he knows it would be suicide.

  4. Others have previously reported that Biden/ someone in his administration told Russia that if they carry out any kind of nuclear attack (nuclear weapon or sabotaging a nuclear power station), the US would not retaliate with nukes, but would destroy every conventional military asset Russia has in and around Ukraine.

    We also know that Xi told Putin they would not tolerate a nuclear attack either.

  5. Yeah, I don’t believe a word of it. The use of a Nuke by Russia would cause NATO to be immediately involved directly. So Whatever Woodward is selling is BS.

  6. >U.S. intelligence officials saw China as having the most influence over Russia, and Biden called Chinese President Xi Jinping about the need for deterrence, Woodward wrote.

    >Xi agreed to warn Putin, according to the book. Biden and Xi met and agreed in November 2022 that “a nuclear war should never be fought” and noted their opposition to the use or threat to deploy nuclear weapons in Ukraine, a White House statement said at the time.

    I feel like this section is equally as important as the Biden-Putin call and Austin-Shoigu call. I wonder what the conversation between Xi-Putin or their defence ministers was like, if a call took place.

  7. I think if any nation decides they want to open that can of worms it’s game over for them.

  8. Um… Putin WANTS Ukraine to be part of Russia, he doesn’t want to reduce it to an irradiated wasteland.

  9. We have weapons that are far scarier than nukes imo. They may be a deterrent for now, but once laser defences are available at scale, a nuclear missile’s effectiveness will be neutered.

    IMO the drone warfare that we see in Ukraine is far more concerning. Massive coordinated swarms of drones are scarier than one very large bomb

  10. I read the excerpt, and it went something like this:
    Russia: “We have intelligence that Ukraine plans to use a dirty bomb”
    US: “We don’t believe you. We don’t see any indications of this, and the world will see through this.”
    Russia: “We understand”

    In another incident, when US got intelligence that Russia planned on using a tactical nuclear weapon:
    US: “If you did this, all the restraints that we have been operating under in Ukraine would be reconsidered. This would isolate Russia on the world stage to a degree you Russians cannot fully appreciate.”
    Russia: “We don’t take kindly to being threatened”
    US: “Mr. Minister, I am the leader of the most powerful military in the history of the world. I don’t make threats.”


  11. confusedalwayssad on

    If the price of your countries’ existence is you having to consistently threaten doomsday, your country is shit and you should not exist.

  12. Slayers_Picks on

    Add this book to the list of things i need to read but will never have the time to.

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