Opinion: Trump is no conservative. We’re Republican men and we’re voting for Kamala Harris

Source: plz-let-me-in


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  2. InternetPopular3679 on

    “We are a small handful of right-minded and mentally stable Republicans. We’re voting for Kamala Harris.”

  3. Here’s what I don’t get it…

    *All* the Democrats are voting for Harris.

    Trump has never had over 48% of the nation backing him.

    Trump I think lost a lot of votes after Jan6 and Dobbs.

    There are these pieces, elected GOP officials, his cabinet… Not voting Trump.

    Decent chunks of traditional GOP voters have said no to Trump.

    I get it, the cult is large, the EC is dumb.

    With all of that… How is Trump still viable in the election and or the polls?

  4. Trump doesn’t represent real conservative values anymore, and honestly, Harris is the better choice for our future.

  5. Traditional conservatives allied with Christian nationalists to get enough votes to win races. Now the Christian nationalists have taken over the party.

  6. OpenImagination9 on

    This is the problem when people confuse the modern “conservative” movement with just having basic decency and values.

    They are not the same. A decent person accepts people as they are, fights for the oppressed, believes no one should be homeless or hungry in such a wealthy country, knows that our natural resources are the most valuable inheritance we can leave for future generations, understands that the founding fathers were well-intentioned but flawed and a product of their time.

    The conversation we should be having is about how to move America forward, how to make everyone’s lives better. Instead we are forced to protect democracy because if we don’t there’s no future.

  7. Fab_Glam_Obsidiam on

    The Republicans haven’t been conservative for a long time. They are a regressive party.

  8. -misanthroptimist on

    He’s no conservative, true. But he’s also not an American. TraitorTot is a Russian asset who hates us and is actively trying to destroy us.

  9. It’s surprising to see Republicans backing Kamala Harris, but integrity matters more than party lines. Trump’s divisive rhetoric has hurt us too much; we need a leader who can unite. Harris may not be perfect, but she’s the better choice.

  10. ranchoparksteve on

    Trump has enormous baggage these days. Unless hatred of immigrants drives your entire politics, Trump’s lack of conservative values is a real problem.

  11. These guys are what’s left over after the GOP was taken over by a populist grifter with no real, consistent, coherent policy base other than “worship me”.

  12. Trump is a shitty vessel for policy. You don’t get nuanced policy from Trump. You get moments of impulse. Then when things get tough he moves on.

  13. Nervous-Pickle-5379 on

    In today’s modern era of communication, polls are useless. Many still rely on phone calls, and who still answers unknown numbers? Older folks with landlines. I am a Republican who is voting for Harris because, well FUCK TRUMP. Many members of family who are also voting for Harris while some of the others, the older folks, are voting Trump.

    While I have never gotten a survey call, my mom has gotten like 7. She is in her 70s, has a landline, and she answers the phone. She also plans on voting for Trump. My kids, who are Republicans are voting Harris and also have never received a polling call.

  14. Republicans haven’t been conservatives in a long time. Believe me, I attended the EIB Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. 

  15. As a solid Conservative and Republican, I agree that Trump is not a Conservative. I preferred and voted for Desantis, as he would have easily won this general election. But Trump is who we got, and he is light years better than Harris.

    I know this will get downvoted to hell, but are you curious why we Conservatives and Evangelicals are aligning behind this deeply flawed Candidate? Cause the left hates him. We don’t believe that Trump is some God-sent savior. We just believe he is a useful tool to help tear down the toxic and destructive progressive bureaucracy that has infected every part of the Federal (and most state and local governments.)

  16. diogenesRetriever on

    People still care if someone is “conservative”? My whole life “conservative” has been a squishy word that scoots around to reflect whatever a grifter wants.

  17. Bullshit.

    Trump is the *arch*-conservative. He is the kind of authoritarian strong-man conservative people in this nation have been dreaming of. The only problem with him is that conservatives can’t control him – that’s why they don’t like him.

    This is conservative pundits, power-brokers, politicians, and other folks who actually stand to lose something beginning their great narrative re-write. They were misled, or stunned, or hoodwinked. Or they never really liked him, or always thought there was something funny about him.

    Bull. Shit.

    This man has shaped himself into the avatar of American conservatism. He is racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and believes only in whatever will give him money or dominion over others. He doesn’t care about other people, especially those ‘beneath’ him, and he has no morals or boundaries.

    Conservatives made their bed – now they get to sleep in it. No disassociation, no pulling away, no forgiveness. We’re living through hell right now, and it’s American conservatism that caused it.

    Fuck them. I appreciate their votes, but fuck them.

  18. Raspberries-Are-Evil on

    >”we believe character and integrity matter. That’s why we proudly supported Ambassador Nikki Haley for president and were part of her Michigan Leadership Team.”

    I stopped reading after that. Nikki has shown she has no integrity, at all.

  19. CurrentlyLucid on

    trump is no republican, he is just a greedy fuck using them for asswipe, and they love the attention.

  20. forthewatch39 on

    Can someone explain why her chances keep decreasing each day? No negative news comes out, she has been doing quite well in her media appearances and she has support from across the political spectrum at an unprecedented level. Yet despite all of that her odds keep slipping as we get closer to election day. 

  21. BaseActionBastard on

    you are a bunch of cowardly dipshit crypto-fascists that want the same exact things as trump, but don’t like it being advertised or called out. eat shit conservatives/republican troglodytes.

  22. FrostingFun2041 on

    The polls have consistently failed to accurately account for Trump. He has consistently exceeded polling numbers. Let’s not forget that and assume Harris is ahead expeshally with how tight the race seems to be in the polls.

  23. Duke_Newcombe on

    He may not be the “black letter”, quiet room version of Conservatism, but so-called “conservatives” sure as hell used him as a stalking horse to implement their policies.

    So, yeah. You *still* “own him”, and everything he’s done.

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