“We have to help each other”: the story of a woman from Kherson who survived the occupation and continues helping under fire | UACRISIS.ORG

Source: RoninSolutions

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  1. RoninSolutions on

    Our Aid group was one of the first civilian vehicles into Kherson when it was liberated in November 2022,the huge display of jubilation & national pride was overwhelming ,so it has always held a special part in my conscience .

    We deliver Aid & materials to the front line units there at least twice a year,l got back from our last Aid convoy which included 2 days in Kherson in late August .

    It has been in the news lately with the orc drones stepping up their deliberate strikes on civilians ,but the reality is they have now been targeting the civilians for years . The orcs never destroyed Kherson when they were fighting to capture it, as obviously they wanted the civilians on side & facilities they could utilize & steal valuables from relatively intact .

    Since Kherson was recaptured in November 2022 the orcs have blatantly targeted civilians & the town’s essential infrastructure to demoralize the population & hope it rises up against the Ukrainian govt. They have targeted & destroyed /damaged systematically the power & water infrastructure, ,Hospitals ,even small health centers for the elderly ,schools ,kindergartens,food & water retailers,churches where the elderly gather etc ,etc .

    The orcs are now targeting individual community leaders/helpers who due to the above travel around Kherson delivering essentials like food ,water & medicines to the elderly & infirm who can not now leave their houses.

    Just a day ago we were informed that the Community Activist our Aid group used & spent days travelling in the vehicles together & living with on the road ,was one of the women injured in the latest cowardly glide bomb attack on the schools in Kherson .

    ( On our Aid missions we also employ local women to act as what is known as Community Activists ,(CA),they are known to the locals & very effective to rally the people for evacuation . More importantly in newly liberated areas they can get women to talk about whether they have been raped or assaulted while under occupation ,when they will not normally talk to male officials & enables them to get the medical attention & help they need. All the CA we have used over the years are always really kind & strong women .)

    Her family had already lost 2 members in fighting & her nephew we used as a guide on this trip was 6 months into recovering from shrapnel & life changing wounds & now she may never walk without crutches again.

    Not all heroes get medals – “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with their freedom.”

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