Australian universities tumble in world rankings as some record worst result ever

Source: SnoopThylacine


  1. My sister said half her class couldn’t speak English when she graduated last year at Sydney Uni.

  2. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    These rankings have nothing to do with students. They’re about research done at the unis.

    The racism in here is entirely inappropriate.

  3. talk-spontaneously on

    I wonder if this will lead to more Australians studying abroad.

    If degrees from Australian universities can be obtained by international students without a grasp of the English language, it devalues the sector significantly.

  4. decaf_flat_white on

    Can anyone tie the results with the student caps and still maintain a straight face? The student caps haven’t even come into effect yet.

    This is lobbying of the highest order.

  5. The Australian Uni Business model relies on soft courses for foreign students who use it as a backdoor for permanent residency claims.

  6. Well if Raygun breakdancing at the olympics showed us anything, yeah I’d agree that there would be some pretty poor results coming out of the universities.

  7. Makes sense, the international student strategy is have someone do the assignment for them and then get the enough marks on the exam to either barely pass, or to get a supplementary exam.

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