Harris announces plan for Medicare to cover long-term care at home | Kamala Harris

Source: zphotoreddit


  1. Vice-President [Kamala Harris](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/kamala-harris), announced a plan to provide long-term, at-home care services through Medicare, the public health insurance program for Americans older than 65.

    If approved, the program would represent a major expansion of Medicare, which currently only covers at-home care under narrow circumstances. Harris made the announcement on ABC’s The View, a day-time talkshow popular with older women.

  2. iamwearingsockstoo on

    But how will residential care facilities owners force the elderly to sell their houses due to exorbitant costs, thus robbing the next generation of any inheritance and freeing up the real estate market?

  3. This is great news for an aging population. Just have to find caregivers and pay them well.

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