‘Car’s screeching tyres sounded “alarm bells” before Kaba shooting, court told’

Source: Sweaty-Suspect-6658


  1. Sweaty-Suspect-6658 on

    He was also a rapper (Itch 67) and the lyrics to one of his raps goes: ‘F**ck around, get smoked.’

    I find that to be quite fitting.

  2. Resist-Dramatic on

    It is very quickly becoming clear that there was never any realistic prospect of conviction. The testimony of these officers is compelling and severely undermining to the case of the prosecution.

    I would not be shocked if the defence moves that there is no case to answer, and the judge agrees and directs the jury to return a not guilty verdict.

    The question is, why did the CPS allow this farce to progress to a trial? Are they that institutionally weak and meek that they did not want to take the decision to refuse charge? An absolute waste of the courts time, and the reputation of this officer is now in complete tatters, with their name plastered everywhere and already guilty in the court of public opinion.

  3. This would never have gone to court in a sane society. The only world where it makes sense is if all the officers testimony is completely misaligned to all the footage of the incident.

    If it happened the way they’ve described it and its all documented on camera then this shouldn’t have ever been taken up by CPS as they had literally no hope of a conviction.

    Maybe itll turn out the camera footage is completely misaligned to the officers accounts? But if it isn’t I’d bet a million pounds this only went to court to avoid public outcry which isn’t how the legal system is supposed to work

  4. Connect_Archer2551 on

    The real investigation should be in to why the CPS are pandering to mob rule and wasting tax payers money.

  5. Wooden-Banana-2588 on

    I love how they use this smiley photo of him every article despite him being a drug dealing thug who tried killing police officers.

  6. We want people to join the police to protect the public but we’re going to screw them over any opportunity we get instead of supporting them. The officer should never have been named, what a farce & I’d be amazed if anyone now wants to risk becoming an armed officer as you just get thrown under the bus.

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