Kamala Harris 60 Minutes interview: she was disarmingly human

Source: elliottbaytrail


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  2. She has done really well in all of her media appearances, debates and speeches. If she loses it will not be because she could not present a good face to Americans.

  3. rabouilethefirst on

    Anyone else remember when Trump and MAGAts were saying she was scared of interviews? And then Trump pulled out of the 60 minutes interview?

    I remember 😂

  4. BPtheUnflying on

    She did very well and Trump can’t say anything because he was too chicken shit to appear. It will be the easiest smackdown of the cycle

  5. No-Floor-6583 on

    If 60% or more of eligible Democrats actually vote, Harris will win in a landslide. Even if MAGA has the greatest Republican turnout in the past 30 years and they ALL vote for Trump, she will STILL win handily.

    I will do my part (and I’m not even a Democrat) so please make sure to do yours.

  6. Tommy__want__wingy on

    I liked the interview….but is Anyone else just telling themselves Trump is going to win so you’re not as disappointed IF it happens…. but ECSTATIC if Kamala wins?

    This election makes the stress leading up to the 2020 election like a god damn cake walk.

  7. Designer_Buy_1650 on

    It was great. She needs to do this everywhere she campaigns. A town hall with voters would be fantastic. Even if she doesn’t answer all the questions perfectly, so what. She needs to be honest and open. I firmly believe that will help people vote for her. The contrast with Trumps lying would be startling.

  8. Honestly, I saw that 20 minute video and I have to say they did a horrible job with the voice over while she was answering the questions. Like, brother, you asked a question, I don’t need to hear your voice over over hers.

    This was botched by CBS.

  9. Any day now cranky reporters will flip to criticizing the recent media blitz by Harris/Walz. “She’s trying to get too much attention by doing too many interviews”

    Meanwhile it’s basically crickets from them as Trump is on stage with a fellow criminal drug addict and eugenics purveyor shouting racist hoaxes about the genes of immigrant Americans.

    Aisha called out bigoted MAGA surrogate David Urban today after he bizarrely tried to defend Trump echoing Nazi propaganda. He went ballistic on her, and CNN’s host treated it with the usual “both sides need to take down the temperature” false equivalence.

  10. Pretend_Moon_5553 on

    Yeah, Trump is done now. There is no way a republican has any reason to not vote for Kamala. Trump VS Kamala = Kamala wins every time. Trump is literally the anti-Christ.

  11. Sure_Quality5354 on

    It really shows how pathetic the media is that normal, sane politics is considered “boring” or “safe”. Like yall do know trump is the EXCEPTION to the rule and not the rule itself?

  12. Trump too scared to debate Kamala and of doing interviews he gets fact checked in. He belongs in a cell for his crimes.

  13. FalstaffsGhost on

    Christ you can almost feel this writer desperately trying to backhand their compliments and find some way to both sides things.

  14. Jolly-Sand-9792 on

    Wow, it’s almost like she isn’t the terrible person that Trump & supporters make her out to be?! Shocking!!

  15. She’s going to do a great job as POTUS. She’s intelligent, experienced, poised, optimistic, open-minded, and fair. I’m hoping she can unite us. Idiot Trump has no desire to repair our country. And why would he, he and his cult are the ones that divided us. He gave hate and racism a face. History will be cruel to him. Deservingly so.

  16. Did she start the interview crying about getting soft or hard questions like the felon did a few years ago? No, she was direct and respectful, way more than the felon could fathom doing.

  17. > The vice-president did not have all the answers when questioned on key issues by CBS — but there were no word salads this time

    Shitty tagline. “No word salads this time”, seriously? She’ll give evasive politician answers from time to time as politicians have done forever. Meanwhile Trump can barely communicate a single coherent thought.

    **Edit**, actually reading the article now they really double down on this BS:

    > this was light years ahead of the jittery mess she made of the rare big interviews she gave earlier


    > she gave mainly plausible answers, free of “word salads”, to the questions posed by the veteran interviewer Bill Whitaker, who brought her back to the actual question at hand several times after she talked herself away from it


    > Harris still has some gaps in her repertoire that make her look less than the finished item, notably dodging a question on whether the US should welcome Ukraine as a member of Nato.

    The undercurrent to the first part of this article is painting Harris as incompetent and stupid. Meanwhile… Oh look Donald Trump didn’t shit himself for an entire hour, so presidential.

  18. AlteredPsyche24 on

    Am I the only one who found the guy interviewing her to be kind of douchey?

    He was grilling her on how she’d get the wealthy to pay their fair share when Congress refuses to do so. Hell, he interrupted her multiple times while she was answering those questions. Why are we normalizing a childish Congress and putting the onus on Harris to fix that? Why aren’t we interviewing Mike Johnson for announcing the House wasn’t going to hear anything further on FEMA? Why aren’t we interviewing DeSantis and grilling him for dodging calls from the VP? Why not MTG for doubling down on the idea that Democrats control the weather?

    Hell, the dude asked about Trump’s racism and his large base of supporters as if that’s her issue. Why aren’t we asking him why he keeps fueling the fire?

    The media seriously needs to stop holding her at a higher standard than any Republican. Put THEIR feet to the fire. They gotta stop worrying about ratings and stop being a sad disgrace to journalism.

  19. Paywall. Article:

    Kamala Harris has rarely been seen answering questions since she became the Democrats’ presidential candidate — but on this evidence, there was no need to hide.

    The vice-president appears to have been using her time away from the TV microphones to find her feet in the race that she entered so unexpectedly in July after President Biden’s collapse. In an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes on Monday night, she hit her stride.

    It was not just the self-assured way she gave mainly plausible answers, free of “word salads”, to the questions posed by the veteran interviewer Bill Whitaker, who brought her back to the actual question at hand several times after she talked herself away from it.

    Nor was it just Harris’s relaxed demeanour, although this was light years ahead of the jittery mess she made of the rare big interviews she gave earlier in her vice-presidency.

    Harris scored highly by coming across as disarmingly human the several times that questions challenged her to give a politician’s answer. One of these moments came on the campaign trail in Wisconsin with Liz Cheney, a lifelong Republican whose opposition to Donald Trump has led her to side with Harris.

    Whitaker asked Harris what she would have said four years ago if he had told her then that she would be campaigning with the ultra-conservative Cheney. Harris, standing alongside her new supporter, shrugged, smiled and replied: “That would be great!”

    Another small moment that showed how Harris had settled into her role came when Whitaker asked what type of gun she had (a Glock) and then whether she had ever fired it. Again, Harris’s reaction did not come across as some kind of politician’s calculation. “Yes, of course I have!” she exclaimed, laughing like a regular person might do to such a daft question, before clarifying that she did so on a shooting range.

    Harris still has some gaps in her repertoire that make her look less than the finished item, notably dodging a question on whether the US should welcome Ukraine as a member of Nato.

    She also remains vulnerable on border security, and at first attempted to gloss over several years of record arrivals of asylum seekers and illegal entrants.

    Pressed by Whitaker on why the Biden-Harris administration did not take the more decisive steps it took this year three years before, she talked about how Biden introduced an immigration bill on day one. (He did, but it was unacceptable to Republicans because of a proposed wholesale amnesty for those in the US illegally.)

    Then she said: “Fast-forward to a moment when a bipartisan group of members of the United States Senate … came up with a border security bill”. This was the one Trump told Republicans to kill, a good campaigning point for Democrats, but her “fast-forward” was doing a lot of work to gloss over three years of failure.

    Whitaker challenged her a couple of times, but Harris was not fazed and stuck to her guns — “from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions”. This may do little, however, to win over voters sceptical about her border credentials.

    The surest sign that she has found her feet as a White House candidate came when Whitaker attempted to revive her discomfort on weak answers from earlier interviews.

    In her rather friendly MSNBC appearance, the only other solo network question-and-answer she has done, Harris was at a loss when pressed on how she would pay for all her expensive policy promises if Congress refused to increase taxes on the rich. At the time, she simply insisted that taxes had to increase.

    On Monday night, she gave a more convincing answer that played up her own experience in Congress and her connections: “You know, when you talk quietly with a lot of folks in Congress, they know exactly what I’m talking about, because their constituents know exactly what I’m talking about. Their constituents are those firefighters and teachers and nurses [who want fairer taxation].”

    The suggestion was that, once the election is out of the way, a sufficient number of members from across the aisle would be willing to work on deals to improve living standards.

    She had given another weak answer to CNN, in a joint interview with Tim Walz, her running-mate, when asked about her “flip-flops” on fracking and decriminalising crossing the border. Then, she said that “my values have not changed” as a catch-all way of explaining 180-degree policy shifts, which simply did not work.

    On 60 Minutes, she had a better explanation: “In the last four years, I have been vice-president of the United States and I have been travelling our country, and I have been listening to folks. And seeking what is possible in terms of common ground. I believe in building consensus. We are a diverse people. Geographically, regionally, in terms of where we are in our backgrounds. And what the American people do want is that we have leaders who can build consensus.”

    This communicated not only her experience but her contrast with Trump on a willingness to compromise to get reasonable deals done. It showed just how much Harris has learned as a candidate in her relatively short campaign and also proved the value of finally facing up to a big network interview in an election marked so far by the soft non-interview on both sides — and a no-show by Trump, who backed out of the chance to feature in his own 60 Minutes interview, claiming that he was treated unfairly four years ago.

    Harris’s final answer exuded confidence: asked for her reaction to Trump pulling out of 60 Minutes, she urged viewers to watch one of his rallies instead. “You’re going to hear conversations that are about himself and all of his personal grievances,” she said. “And what you will not hear is anything about you, the listener. You will not hear about how he’s going to try to bring the country together, find common ground.”

    She concluded: “I believe in my soul and heart the American people are ready to turn the page.”

  20. VaronDiStefano______ on

    She didn’t laugh and she didn’t repeat herself. She painted herself as a human and for the most part, it was brilliant

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