Explosions and fire reported at Isfahan Nuclear facility in Iran

Source: More-Acadia2355


  1. DryStatistician7055 on

    Wow that was an incredibly short article. Have no idea if it was a strike or an accident.

  2. > Explosions were heard in Isfahan, Iran, Israeli media reported on Tuesday overnight, citing Iranian media

    Where does this say it’s at the nuclear facility? Am I using this jpost.com site wrong? What I clipped above is literally the entire article that I can see.

  3. SelectiveEmpath on

    Regardless of whether this is accurate reporting or not, it’s truly surreal to see Israel cross into “fuck it” mode and take on everyone at once.

  4. Zealousideal-Pool872 on

    It would be the coincidence of the century if there was an unrelated accident at their nuclear facility today.

  5. VarmintSchtick on

    The entire article:

    >”Iranian officials from the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base denied, in the early hours of Tuesday morning, reports of explosions near the city of Isfahan, Ynet reported. “

  6. Ooookay. Been waitin’ for this kind of article and of course it’s super threadbare. I heard about this *maybe* a couple hours ago, and I can’t confirm if any of what I’ve heard/seen is real.

    My *understanding* – and I cannot stress enough that I’m no professional with inside information, I’m literally just reading what mostly-randos post on Twitter – is that there was indeed some kind of explosion kind of in the area. I’ve seen it attributed to either a plane crash or an air defense error possibly involving newly-transferred S-400’s?

    Again. NOT AT ALL anything concrete. The pics definitely didn’t look catastrophic enough to be like a nuclear reactor going up or anything, but for all I know those pics are of something completely different.

    So, yeah, I’m not too worried.

  7. it was an explosive test but a planned one as far as I can tell. The explosions are very small and quick in videos, so if anything i’d guess testing bomb components

  8. > Iranian officials from the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base **denied,** in the early hours of Tuesday morning, reports of explosions near the city of Isfahan, Ynet reported.


    Gotta please The State (& Ayatollah)

  9. One way to know if something major happened is checking stock market futures, if they sink, means something bad has happened. No reaction right now.

  10. If Iran is denying it, doesn’t seem like much of an attack then. I know they would save face by denying it but if Israel strikes everyone will know it and it could not be disputed.

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