Supreme Court Decides to Let Texas Women Die

Source: BiggsIDarklighter


  1. AutoModerator on

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  2. JubalHarshaw23 on

    Maybe it will finally kick some more women off the bench to vote, but probably not.

  3. It’s amazing how we let six unelected religious nutjobs make life-and-death decisions like this. Just unbelievable.

  4. bigbeatmanifesto- on

    They already don’t have exceptions for rape, incest, or fetal deformity

  5. Reviews-From-Me on

    Trumps hand picked justices took away what had been an individual right to bodily autonomy, and gave it to government.

  6. Those six justices should be charged for every death that occurs because of their decision.

  7. I don’t understand. Do Texas women not vote? I thought this would get more women out to prevent this.

  8. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 74%. (I’m a bot)
    > A new Supreme Court decision effectively means that Texas women will never be able to receive abortion care-even if their lives depend on it.

    > On Monday, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling that emergency abortions violate the Lone Star State's already draconian abortion laws, upholding a ban on the life-saving procedure even in emergency circumstances.

    > The government further noted that legal precedents set by the Texas Supreme Court mean doctors within the state do not have to wait until a woman's life is in immediate danger to provide the critical care required to save her.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694739 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Court**^#1 **abortion**^#2 **emergency**^#3 **state**^#4 **Supreme**^#5

  9. Supreme Court needs immediate reform, the president immunity decision, Dobbs and Chevron reversal should be voided as soon as possible. The republic will die if it’s not done. If Democrats have a trifecta, they must act.

  10. I’m sure Robert’s wouldn’t hesitate to employ a life saving abortion ***on his own daughter*** if her life was threatened by a pregnancy… Or maybe he would laugh at her as she bled out? I don’t know he seems like a pretty evil guy.

  11. Wealthy women from Texas will always have access to abortion.

    When it affects them, abortion becomes a “private family matter.” They can afford the plane tickets and the cost.

  12. Texans have been electing republicans for decades, you really don’t get any sympathy from me.

  13. If you live in TX, vote blue like your life or the life of a loved one depends on it… because as this ruling shows, it ***will depend on it***.

  14. BiggsIDarklighter on

    >On Monday, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling that emergency abortions violate the Lone Star State’s already draconian abortion laws, upholding a ban on the life-saving procedure even in emergency circumstances.

    >The Biden administration had asked the justices to throw out the lower court ruling

    >The administration also pointed to federal mandate, reminding the court that hospitals must provide life-saving emergency medical care under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). The government further noted that legal precedents set by the Texas Supreme Court mean doctors within the state do not have to wait until a woman’s life is in immediate danger to provide the critical care required to save her.

    >Yet none of that seemed to matter to the ultra-conservative bench, who ruled 6-3 along party lines in favor of heightened restrictions without detailed reasoning

    These corrupt Trump justices are just as cold as he is and do not give a fuck about women or anyone but themselves. Vote every single Republican out of every single office in every single state.

  15. When I want to have kids, I will move from TX for my own safety. I’m not going to risk a pregnancy unless I know I have access to life saving healthcare.

    Until then, I’ll stay here and make sure I keep voting for politicians who want to protect reproductive rights. I feel like I owe this to the women who aren’t privileged enough to get out of here. I just hope more doctors choose to do the right thing instead of panicking about whether they can get in trouble.

  16. AThousandBloodhounds on

    Well, there goes my hope that the conservative justices would have a late-in-life moral awaking! /s

  17. FrostingFun2041 on

    Without detailing their reasoning, the justices kept in place a lower court order that said hospitals cannot be required to provide pregnancy terminations that would violate Texas law. There were no publicly noted dissents. It was unanimously ruled

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