EU countries’ exports to Kyrgyzstan

Source: jesterboyd


  1. So even if this is true – what happens is this increases the cost for Russia who now has to use a middleman so the sanctions still work

  2. Exporting European values… Remember when some argued against sanctions and travel restrictions, because buying European luxery goods exposed russian tourists to our values?

  3. Too many russians living in germany. And even now still proud of their putler. We should deport them, see how they like to be drafted.

  4. Bad Chart …. Try comparing the drop of Exports to russia to the Exports increase to Kyrgyzstan.
    I am Not saying, that non of These goods will reach russia, but there are more possible explanation than the surpassing of sanctions.

  5. DeszczowyHanys on

    Well, there’s no sanctions on Kyrgyzstan and we live in capitalism. What did you expect?

  6. Haven’t this been talked about for months now? Perhaps for a year?

    Yeah, talking solves nothing.

  7. Very sad but the simple fact is that sanctions are never air tight. Think of it this way: the orcs now have to pay exorbitant fees to profiteering middle men. It’s not perfect but at least they have to pay for it.

  8. A sign of amazing economic growth in Kyrgyzstan. They must build coffins for Russia with their industry.

  9. Austria makes a special barrel forging machine which is used to make new artillery and tank barrels. This is very much needed by the Russians as their heavy use of artillery quickly wears the barrel out and it needs replacement. I wonder how many forging machines are being made by GFM and exported via Kygystan to Russia? This is the sort of equipment that should be carefully controlled under sanctions.

  10. WeAreTheMachine368 on

    A lot of unconscionable people getting rich from side exports/imports. Disgusting.

  11. ‘Why is Ukraine losing territory’

    Here is your answer.

    This continent is led and populated by spineless cowards.

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