Ukraine will never join NATO on my watch, says Slovakia PM Fico

Source: vsv2021


  1. Deep_Snow6546 on

    Turkey said that about Sweden but then they had a nice talk about getting some F-35 jets and look where we are now. The holdouts are just wanting a sweeter deal.

  2. He just wants the cheap oil and gas from Russia to be allowed back through Ukraine.

    But then again, this butthole is already so unpopular they (his own people) have tried to shoot him… so who knows where he is in four years.

  3. vluggejapie68 on

    Well we can’t have NATO without Slovakia’s considerable contribution now can we?

  4. Bro your air force is a half dozen L-39 trainers, you don’t really get to dictate things

  5. “Freedom came from the East”…

    No shit, then subjugation and the mass murder of civilians came 24 years later. How quickly he forgets the blood of his countrymen spilled by the Soviets during their invasion to crush the Prague Spring reforms in 1968. And let’s not forget the Soviet liberators intentionally dragged their feet so the Nazis could be softened up by the national rebellion resulting in thousands of deaths. Then came the Stalinist purges, murder, and forced labor camps that killed even more. Disgusting.

  6. Translation: I’m ready to negotiate on my own behalf and, secondarily, for my country so long as you pay more than Russia

  7. Oh yeah Fico and don’t forget to leave EU too while you’re at it. How is the saying “Never hold up travelers.”

  8. Technically true. Fico is 60 years old. He had coronary angioplasty at age 42 and a double bypass at age 52. His father died unexpectedly at age 56. Fico was shot in the stomach this year. The odds are Fico will die of heart-related causes before Ukraine gets into NATO.

  9. troublesome_imp on

    Should read “Another Putin agent objects to Ukraine joining NATO in order to protect his bank account”

  10. Competitive_Mind_829 on

    Slovaks want to be Hungarians who in turn want to be Russian I say kick them out of NATO kick them out of the EU and let them join the pro Russian block they are so desperate to join. Sanction the hell out them and see how happy the people are with their leaders than.

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