American men sick of ‘woke West’ offered Russian visas

Source: TheTelegraph


  1. Spare_Philosopher893 on

    Can we start a fund to help pay for their plane tickets?

    Also, after the last guy got tortured as a spy, maybe don’t go to russia. The actual people will hate you.

  2. > Leo Lionel and Chantel Felice, who Moscow claimed had moved to the country with their children, aged 16, 14, and 11

    Oh my lord those poor children.  Imagine your parents got such severe brainworms from conservative media they moved you to *Russia*.  

    Like yea we may not speak any Russian but at least we know they’re mean to gay people here

  3. WhenTardigradesFly on

    > Temporary visas obtained under the scheme can be further fast-tracked into citizenship for foreigners willing to sign up to join Russia’s occupation forces in neighboring Ukraine.

    yeah, that tracks

  4. People feeling so threatened so much so they move countries because of the idea of DEI or gay people, feeling oppressed from being called a dumbass on the internet despite accusing people for being snowflake, is one of the most hillarious shit I’ll ever read.

  5. Maximum_Security_747 on




    When you bitch about Putin’s govt as you do when you describe the oPpReSsIoN you face hear you’ll understand why I’m laughing at you

  6. “We don’t want to stop being assholes!!!”

    They should take Russia up on this offer immediately.

  7. Hey remember when that family of 10 thought the same thing so they moved to Russia only for the government to freeze all their money, they all lived in a tiny cramped home, had to make and sell kimchi to survive, and then were kicked out a few months later?

    Anything to get away from them dang liberals though right?

  8. Minnow2theRescue on

    Excellent plan! Nothing ”destabilizing” about this if it results in fewer incels, MGTOWs, and cases of testosterone-poisoning roaming the halls of the USA.

    OUT, boyz! We’re done with you.

  9. Slatedtoprone on

    Would people leave because they are sick of hearing what others have to say? Tired of having to deal with stuff they disagree with? Because if you go to Russia, you won’t be able to voice your discontentment. They will jail you, fine you or kill you. 

    People don’t seem to understand the freedoms they have here and what they will give up to live in a place ruled by a dictator.

  10. ViscountVinny on

    Fantastic. Y’all don’t let the door hit you on the way out, and watch out for those Ukranian drones.

    Or even better, don’t.

  11. Won’t offering these visas to the people destabilizing America just stabilize America? Seems counter to their goals. 

    Must need meat shields 

  12. DarraghDaraDaire on

    _“There’s too many foreigners moving to my country, I’m moving to another country”_

  13. I will actually also donate to a fund that gives them $$ when they get there. Please, take them away from here.

  14. I will absolutely contribute to a fund that helps these people leave the United States forever.

  15. Let them go. America will be better off for them leaving. Just make sure they have to give up their American citizenship on their way out so they can’t come back

  16. Some douche canoe from western mass was arrested for embezzlement and fled to Russia. They keep showing footage of him having signed up for the war effort and I’m like… wow so you avoided American jail only to be killed like a starving dog by Ukrainians.

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