Some 80% of Gaza fatalities are Hamas or family members

Source: swed2019


  1. while almost 100% of the fatalities and hostages from 10/7 Hamas terrorist attack are innocent normal people.

  2. Few-Succotash2744 on

    How about that pro palestine nutters
    Its almost like what every normal person told you before now came true
    But sure you aren’t in fact doing this to hide your anti semitism behind a “good cause”

  3. Oh those wild and crazy hamies and hezzies hiding weapons in homes, schools and hospitals affected that percentage.

  4. Jealous_Reindeer8422 on

    Ok I’m not saying that the Hamas numbers are right but I’ve seen this 80% number reported on a couple different times this week. What is the source for that number? I would think it’s just pretty difficult to get an accurate civilian casualty and military casualty count overall and I’m not really trusting any numbers right now until it’s confirmed by both Israel and Hamas.

  5. This article is just pure propaganda and completely uninformative.

    No link to the “channel 12” report, no sources, no details, no analysis.

  6. That “80% bad guys” does not sound like a realistic number for any combat situation, including this one.

  7. “Family members” is a laughably broad category (third cousin? Brother-in law?). Are we to believe they’re checking dna samples from the rubble? When the US murdered civilians in Vietnam, they also chalked them all up as “VC.”
    This is a source that claims to be fighting “Israel’s media war,” citing an Israeli tv channel (what context? Morning show? news show? Opinion show?), which is in turn citing things said privately by someone anonymous. It’s not convincing by itself, and the title of this post is another misleading layer on top of it.

  8. Even if that’s true (it’s not btw), this makes the claim that family members of Hamas members are “righteous” targets to kill.  

    How far do they consider family to extend? Cousins? In laws? With a group like Hamas that has some degree of popularity, I bet a good amount of people are related in one way or another.  

    This claim is saying war crimes are ok.

  9. wheelsmatsjall on

    Hisstory is his story it is told by the people that have money and power. In this case I do not believe either side is innocent. One side is always going to say the other is guilty you will never get an honest opinion. You can slide and find articles about anything you want to believe. There are articles that say cut off all your fingers and it will make you a better person and more humble. So the point is be skeptical.

  10. 50.000 Hamas family members? And if half of those were children, it’s also ok because it’s only Hamas children? That would be a bullshit defense even if true.

  11. If Gigi Hadid pops a zit the UN counts that as another Palestinian death, so take their numbers with a truckload of salt

  12. Notfriendly123 on

    Here is the thing, I want Hamas fighters to die horrible and painful deaths. 

    I have a slightly harder time with the families part but I understand the way that Hamas operates and realize that there was no alternative for Israel when it came to getting Hamas out of Gaza due to the way they ingrain themselves in the civilian population 

  13. EstablishmentFull797 on

    So if one Hamas member is killed along with his wife and 6 minor children but also two neighbors who aren’t Hamas are killed that would line up with this percentage.

    What a meaningless and callous statistic 

  14. I’d bet my left leg that Hamas has a better “IDF or family members” ratio than 80% and they openly reject the notion of targetting just the military.

  15. I can totally see the IDF going door to err…. pile of rubble to pile of rubble asking if the bombing from last night had killed any civilians and the Palestinians saying yeah it kind of got my second cousin Yusuf…. but he was a prick anyway so you can add him to bad guy number….

    There is 0 chance this is based on anything factual and is not just a desperate PR stunt.

  16. This would be indefensible even if it were true, which I don’t believe for a second that it is.

  17. Numbers don’t line up. Israel claims about 17,000 combatants killed. That would be about 40% of the deaths, give or take for rounding and reporting errors. If it is even a real Hamas report, it sounds unreliable. We might know when the war is over.

  18. OinkyDoinky13 on

    It’s the pro-Israel echo chamber. Yay let’s all say the same drivel and agree the shit out of each other.

  19. Appreciate_Cucumber on

    “Fighting Israel’s media war” yeah, totally doesn’t sound like propaganda…

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