Donald Trump Tax Plans Would Increase Taxes On 95% Of Americans, Analysis Finds

Source: plz-let-me-in


  1. BarfHurricane on

    I’ve been working from home for over a decade and I was able to write off some of my living space as office expenses for years. Once Trump took office, their administration increased that threshold to the point where I couldn’t do that anymore. This increased my tax burden and it’s been the same since.

    The media will tell me my own experience of Republicans increasing my taxes is lying to to me of course.

  2. sugarlessdeathbear on

    I bet I know which 5% would not have their taxes increased. It rhymes with witch.

  3. LeatherFruitPF on

    Like how else would the government offset the revenue loss of corporate tax cuts? Oh I know, we can also gut the Dept of Education, Dept of interior…Get rid of Social Security, VA benefits, etc.

  4. MidwestHacker on

    Im going to take a wild guess that the people that are getting the tax breaks arent the poorest 5% of the country?

  5. marshallaw215 on

    A total dumbass that doesn’t understand tarriffs will just cause increased pricing on everything tariffed – total idiot.

  6. It’s likely coincidental that a prominent tax evader is participating in the campaign alongside him, correct?

  7. bluedreamsensi on

    Those tax breaks, combined with an extension of across-the-board tax rate reductions Trump enacted as president in 2017, would save most households hundreds or thousands of dollars.

    “But his proposed tariffs, which would be largely passed onto consumers as increased prices, would more than offset those tax cuts for all income groups outside the richest 5 percent,” the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy said [in an analysis it published on Monday](

  8. He did that already before his term ended. That’s why the middle class has to pay an extra 1k in taxes. The tax increase would go until 2027 and he’ll just redo what he did before.

  9. What a surprise. Get out and vote. Currently, the only way to get rid of these terrorists is to vote.

  10. Feeling-Coffee-7917 on

    Liberal media lies … something something … it’s Bidens fault if anything Trump enacts doesn’t work …or whatever

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