FIRST READING: Young Canadians now more politically conservative than their elders

Source: ethereal3xp


  1. bananaphonepajamas on

    Having the whole time people remember be a slow degradation of quality of life filled with broken promises means they’re going to move away from the parties that contributed to that?

    I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

  2. Not surprising, they’ve seen a decade of Liberal + NDP policies not do much for their cost of living + quality of life.

  3.  No, they’re not. The National Post is conflating a dislike of the LPC as support for the CPC. Given that on nearly every position, young Canadians are opposed to the CPC platform you’d be hard pressed to say otherwise  


    Human Rights?

    I can keep going.

  4. PhilosopherDull6239 on

    People are disillusioned and don’t care to preserve institutions they see as ultimately having failed them – it’s not shocking. What will be a shock for many older Canadians is a) the degree to which this rage is both deep and broad amongst Canadians under 40, and b) the complete and utter lack of empathy this is breeding when it comes to seniors issues.

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