A simple and logical question about debt stumps the greatest minds running the financial system.

Source: wakeup2019

1 Comment

  1. [Richard Wolf clearly explains the scam in this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3rEgB2uGGg&amp😉

    In short, it is another corruption scheme put in place by the billionaire class to steal the wealth that American Labor produces.

    The budget is more than taxes can cover so the government has to issue debt to cover the deficit created. The only people who invest in this debt are people who already have money — lots of money. The interest payments they receive give them a nice living and the opportunity to “buy more stuff” (mostly hard assets like real estate). The increasing debt is burdened on the American Taxpayer. Now, for instance, social security is going to run out of money in 10 years.

    Its a scam being perpetrated on all of us by the billionaire-class.

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