Trump would add twice as much to national debt as Harris, study finds

Source: Mr-Presidente


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  2. The National Debt is weird. We’ve been hearing since 1980 that it’s going to crush us. For forty-five years, learned men have been saying: it’s going to crush us.

    And yet here I stand, weirdly uncrushed.

  3. Republican fiscal hawks complain about spending and the national debt and a balanced budget to keep democrats from shoring up social programs and assisting middle class Americans but when a republican is in office they shut the fuck up and let the national debt explode as long as the rich get the lions share of ill advised tax cuts that burn through the money that democrats have saved up.

  4. Hahahaha…
    So you are falling for the Republicon BS of focusing on the economy while they actually increase the national debt? Then, when they leave office having boosted the debt load, the Democrats have to come in the Republicons scream bloody murder about how high the debt is, and the Democrats have to clean it up. You can look back at all the administrations in the last half century and see exactly who creates debt and who reduces the debt.

  5. BowlerCharming2829 on

    We’re screwed either way. I’ve lost hope for this country. One is just less than the other.

  6. Earth_Friendly-5892 on

    Plus consumers would be financially hurt a lot more in Trump’s plan than Harris’. His idea concerning tariffs is a bad one according to economists.

  7. Optimal_Newspaper_89 on

    It’s concerning that both candidates’ proposals could add trillions to the national debt, but Trump’s plans seem particularly risky, potentially leading to even higher debt levels. It raises serious questions about fiscal responsibility, especially with the looming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare. The focus should really be on sustainable solutions, not just more spending.

  8. KremlinHoosegaffer on

    Dude, it sucks because I’ve got literal “Masters” of finance who make a boat load of capital and yet sincerely believe the Heritage Foundation’s lies about Trump’s deficit being “low” and expected. Guy isn’t even a Republican and often clowns on them yet manages to fall for Trump’s lies for a second time. (2016 and 2024)

  9. KremlinHoosegaffer on

    The debt is too high! Let’s neuter our ability to raise enough taxes to offset interest and make our prosperity rest on the shoulders of relative peasants. /s

  10. In regards to policy or policy plans, Debt ain’t the problem here, really, but how it is created. For example, after the Great Depression, FDR created the highest relative debt increase by creating a whole lot of social security and work programs to get the US back working again. He invested in industry, infrastructure, home programs and so on. Harris promotes ambitious plans to help people gain some economic ground again and to strengthen the middle class. Her debt increase would result from policies for the majority of the people and will most likely result in better life’s for many.
    On the other hand, though, Trumps debt increase merely comes from slashing taxes on the rich and eliminating spending for struggling Americans – making income better for the very few on top while making life harder for the 90 percent.

    From a political platform, the GOP proves time and time again that they don’t care about what they say or stand for and that they don’t take their own side seriously. I mean, the main stay of the tea party movement once had been fiscal responsibility. The GOP integrated them, used their rage against the first black man in the White House. But they never cared about the debt or fiscal responsibility. They cared about cheap political points and hurting the right people.

  11. Not to worry, another Democrat will come behind him to clean up his mess (again) and take the blame for the sluggishness of the repairs needed.

  12. SubjectNo5281 on

    Yep. That’s becasue progressives are great for the economy, and the conservatives do nothing but cause crashes and pass the buck back to the progressives to fix it, and their base is so dumb they believe the conservatives when they’re told it was the progressives fault that the conservatives caused the crash. 

    This has been true for a long time, but all of modern history is this cycle repeating itself. Clinton inherited a steaming pile of shit thanks to Reagan and Bush I, turned it into the golden 90s, then Bush II caused the housing market bubble crash and ruined the economy, Obama inherited this and turned it around in 8 years for Trump to cause the Covid recession. Now Biden is digging us out of this at rates that make the rest of the world recovery look like a snails pace. 

    We have the opportunity every presidential election to stop this shitty pendulum from swinging back to regressive bullshit every 4-8, and I guaran-fucking-tee it that if we never let a conservative into the white house again That these sorts of obvious crashes coming from failed conservative leadership would simply stop coming up.

  13. This kind of article hails from a bygone era where there were two adults in the room. The current GOP could see **definitive** proof of the country collapsing and would still usher it in as long as it meant liberals in agony.

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