Most Britons say the Labour government is ‘sleazy’

Source: corbynista2029


  1. Most Britons are thick as shit and voted for 14 years of clown show and then Brexit. If people could read past headlines and critically think this place would be so much better.

  2. I think the Labour government lacks media management skills more than anything else. They keep getting caught with their pants bought for them.

  3. Mediocre-Skill4548 on

    Change the record. All sleaze is bad but this is a speck of a drop in the ocean compared to the tories banana republic levels of corruption during covid.

  4. Some of the stuff being thrown around in recent weeks has been bollocks, but some of it is genuinely concerning and very sleazy.

  5. Pay_Your_Torpedo_Tax on

    And yet they voted Tory for 14 years. Who took “Sleazy” to a whole other levels. So…. frankly…. why would anyone take the opnion of “most Britons” with anything but a bucket of salt.

  6. Just remember that this sleaze isn’t anything new. It’s culturally embedded in the MPs and has been for a considerable time. Yet the media have been utterly, utterly silent about it for the last 14 years.

    This isn’t me defending what has been happening. I think it was disgraceful when the Tories were doing it and it’s still disgraceful now. But the faux outrage of a media that were complicit in their silence while the Tories were in power is telling.

  7. Icy_Collar_1072 on

    Some of the freebie/gift stuff has been massively overblown considering it was all on public record and not undeclared, however it’s shown a lack of foresight and political savvy. 

    Were people surprised politicians and well known public figures occasionally get hospitality and various perks? There’s not a politician around that doesn’t get invited to free lunches, gigs or get put up in hotels on business.  

    It was hardly £700k of personal loans or billions in backdoor COVID contracts to donors and their mates.  

    The problem is the optics have been terrible and their media management/PR has been amateur. Leaving policies like Winter Fuel allowance thrown out alone to linger like a bad smell for weeks without explaining any of it properly in conjunction with the gift furore was a perfect storm for a media frenzy. 

  8. Labour could take the lead on addressing the sleaze issue. They could pass a bill to put MPs and Lords on the same ethics, gifts and corruption rules as the civil service and other public servants.

    Why might they not do that? – unless they are indeed as sleazy as the previous n administrations

  9. No_Breadfruit_4901 on

    Labour needs to improve their media management because all people think of labour currently is the “nasty party that cut winter fuel allowance.”

  10. I’m just kinda disappointed. All the talk of “change”, yet three months in and nothing does seem to have changed.

  11. People wont remember the tickets and clothes in 3 months time. If these continue coming, the impression will stick, if this is just a turbulent start to their term it will fade. New Labour had the Eccelston £1 million donation within months of assuming office.

    The government will be judged on 3 issues:

    Can they get the economy growing.

    Can they get immigration down.

    Can they get house building increasing.

    Its going to be 2-3 years before those issues become clearer. In the mean time these sort of second or third order issues will generate news and interest promoted by their enemies on the right and the hard left.

    Three years of 2.5% growth and no one will remember these stories the way no one remembered Eccleston after New Labour bedded in and got with delivery. People remember the Tory sleaze because they failed at the big issues. Low 1%ish growth and that will be the big stick everyone will beat Labour with.

  12. UCthrowaway78404 on

    Starmer got less votes than corbyn. But won because zionists funded the creation of reform to split right wing votes to get their poster child in power.

  13. Well yes, Labour are sleazy and have been accepting bribes. As did the Conservatives before them.

    The fundamental problem is that we have a deeply corrupt political establishment, which doesn’t have to listen to the voters. Which is why people are giving up and no longer turning out to vote.

  14. reddit-suave613 on

    You’re telling me the party that takes any ~~bribe~~ gift it is handed is sleazy? The party that has a Jeffery Epstein associate as a major advisor? Shocking!

  15. All our politicians since the early nineties have had there noses in the trough with a very few exceptions

  16. No matter what “side” you’re on, I think this whole story and this stat shows just how controlling the mainstream media is for your average person. 

    To think that they’ve done the odd slightly questionable thing (and took action to try and right it) and people suddenly forget the past several years and what that lot did on a near daily basis and largely got away with it.

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